Part 10

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*Pickup* Phil's POV

  Once we got to the hospital they rushed her to a room and hooked her up to machines. By this point I was silently sobbing, I hate seeing her like this. Alison hugged me tight. "Will she be okay?" she asks. "I hope so" I choked out and hugged her. When Alison let go I walked over and sat in the chair next to Emma. Waiting for her to wake up. Doctors came rushing in asking me questions. 

 "What happened to her?" A nurse asked, examining her arms, stomach, and legs. "Well there are these people at school who bully her. They've punched her, kicked her, cut her, and burnt her numerous times" I explained. "T-That's illegal!" she said, her face went pale. "Yeah.." I whispered. She nodded and continued bandaging and treating her wounds. Her parents left town this morning but were notified and asked my mum if she could stay with us for a while. Of course my parents agreed. About an hour after the nurse left, she started waking up. 

 As soon as her eyes opened she was freaking out. "P-Phil?" she asked. "Shh I'm here" I whispered and rubbed her hand. "Where am I?!" She asks, shaking. "We're at the hospital. They hurt you pretty bad" I explained. She nodded and tried to sit up but ended up falling back and hurting herself worse. "Oops" she groaned and laid back down. I called in for a nurse. Everyone else was out getting dinner, I couldn't leave her. The doctor walked in to question her. 

*Emma's Pov*

 The doctor walked in and asked me questions. "So Ms.Jacobson, what happened between you and your attackers?" he asks. "Well, one person who has been 'bullying' me since the beginning of this school year his name is Dan. The other 3 bullied me when I was a lot younger. Dan told me to meet him behind school.I didn't want it to get worse so I agreed to see him" I explained. He nodded. "What are their names?" he asks. "Daniel Howell, Dylan Smith, Percy Miller, and Ava Jones" I sighed. "Okay, we'll have services not-" he started. "Please don't get anyone involved. Please. I'm begging you" I said desperately. 

 He just shook his head, thanked me and walked out. I slumped back and laid my head against the bed. "I'm sorry my love" Phil sighed. "It's okay. Be right back" I said and stood up, taking the medicine bags into the washroom with me. I stared at my body in the mirror. I looked as broken as I felt. Awful words were carved into my skin. My arms and legs bruised, and covered in burns and cuts. My skin was pale. I felt dirty. I didn't even look like myself. I just rubbed my eyes and attempted to wash my face. I then walked back to my bed. Alison, Gabriel, PJ, and Chris were all there. "Hey guys" I mumbled and sat back down. "Hey my love, how are you feeling?" Gabriel asked. "Awful" I said with a slight smile. "Aw, I'm sorry. I wish we could've been there for you" he sighed. "It's okay. It's not your fault" I said.  

*1 hour later*

About an hour later a nurse walked in and said visiting hours were over. "W-What? Why do I have to stay, I-I'm fine?" I stuttered. "Hun, you're not okay. You need to stay under our supervision at least until tomorrow. I''m sorry" she cooed. "I-It's okay" I whispered. I said goodbye to all of them. "SO LONG AND GOODNIGHT!" Alison yelled walking out. "You suck" I laughed. They all walked out and I was alone. I hated hospitals. It was now 10 and I was surprisingly tired. Before I knew it I passed out. 

*6 AM*

"Emma, wake up please" a nurse whispered and gently tapped my shoulder. I jolted up. "Yeah?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "We want to test some of your blood to see if you have any type of infection from being cut. "Oh, okay" I sighed and put my right arm out. She tied a rubber band type thing around my arm. "Breathe in" she said. She put the needle in my arm and I put my head back. "Good" she cooed. She took the needle out and bandaged my arm. "Thank you love" she said and walked out. I turned on the tv and saw the time. I just shook my head and sat back. 

*3 PM*

Doctors have been in and out. It sucks. I was about to go back to sleep since that's the only thing I have to do, then Phil walked in. "Philly!" I said excitedly. I stood up and hugged him tightly. "Hey my love" he smiled. "How was school?" I asked. "Awful since you weren't there" he said, pouting. "I wanna leaaavvvee" I whined. "I wish you could" he sighed. "Did Dan do anything?" I ask, in fear he did something to any of my friends. "Not really. He asked about you though" He explained. I sighed. "What'd he ask?" "Where you were" he said simply. I nodded. "There's also something I need to tell you..." he said. I looked over and nodded. "There's a rumor" he said quietly. "About?" I asked, beginning to get worried. "Well someone made up a rumor that you're pregnant with either Dan or Dylan's kid, and that's why you weren't at school" he said quickly. "No. Way" I said and shook my head.

 He was about to say something when a nurse walked in with a few papers. "Hey dear. It seems to be that everything's alright and you can go home today. You'll just need to stay out of school for about a week to heal" she smiled. "Awesome thank you. Can Phil's parents sign the release paper since there needs to be a guardian signature?" I ask. "Of course" she said and walked out. I filled out all the paperwork and Phil called his mum to come and sign the forms. 

*30 mins*

Phil's mum showed up, signed the papers and I could finally leave. I grabbed my bag and Phil and his mum helped me out. "Oh Emma, I'm so sorry about what happened to you" his mum sighed as we got in her car. "It's alright Mrs.Lester, I'll be feeling better in no time" I smiled reassuringly. She kindly smiled back and she started driving. 

Hey loves! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it took a while to write. Thanks so much for over 1K already! I appreciate it so so much and I couldn't love you all more. 

xx Lexi

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