Part 30 (Alternate Non-Trigger Chapter)

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hey loves! unfortunately this is the last chapter :( the reason the title says alternate is because the original way I planned to end the book is very triggering and I'd hate to upset any of you so I mad an alternate ending for those who are triggered by those topics. This may be considered triggering so just be careful when reading, it's not a very common trigger so I hope it doesn't bother anyone. 

*3 months later*

   Each day has gotten worse, by now it hurts to even breathe. Dan gets more and more violent by the week. Everyday at school has became hell. I honestly feel alone. Joe and I have continued to talk but even he couldn't make me happy. I've been to so many doctors and nothing helps. Everyone in school including the teachers refuse to do a thing about Dan, they just let it go as if nothing happened so they didn't ruin their prestigious reputation. 

*Time skip leaving the house to pick up Nando's*

 I checked the time before grabbing my oyster card and wallet. 7:30. I closed and locked the door behind me. I started the long walk to the underground where Phil and Alison would be meeting me. I was about halfway there waiting at a stop light.  and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped in fear and quickly turned around to see the one and only Dan Howell. "What do you want?" I scoffed, I've had enough. "Hey Em!" he joked. "What do you want?" I repeated slowly. "A chat" he said simply. "About?" I asked as we started walking across. "Not sure, what do you want to talk about?" he asked. 

 The light shifted back in the middle and I attempted to run across, Dan stepped on the back of my shoe, making me trip but I didn't fall. He made it across fine. But then I felt a harsh pain in my side and I fell. The pain was unbearable. I felt as if all my ribs were broken. In knew what I felt was true when I started coughing up blood. I felt two people run up to me. I attempted to open my eyes but it hurt to much. It was Phil and Alison. They picked me up and ran out of the street, concerned drivers pulled over to help and they all called 999. 

 "Emma, please stay with me" Phil sobbed, gently holding my hand. I couldn't breathe and I started to panic. "Shh, it's okay" Alison said, I felt hot tears hit my chest. "I love you guys" I managed to choke out, then everything went black, and my breathing stopped. 

*Phil's POV*

 "No" I sobbed. This can't be happening. Alison wept next to me. I turned around and Dan was gone. The pain in my chest was unbearable, I just want her back. I heard sirens in the distance and they finally arrived. They put her on the stretcher and hooked her up to every machine they had. "What happened?" the doctor asked me calmly. "I- I don't know she was crossing and someone hit her, I'm assuming they were texting or drunk. The impact was on her side" I said. They tried everything to bring her back but nothing a working 


We waited in the sitting room for a doctor to come in. Mr. Sugg, Ms. Sugg, Mr. Lee, Mr. Deyes, and Mr. White came in teary eyed. They hugged us and took their seats. Later, Mr. Jacobson walked in, Emma's mum was still on holiday. "W-What happened?" He asks. "She.. She got hit by a car" I said, my eyes stung. He broke down. "I'm so sorry sir" Mr. Sugg said standing up, tears rolled down his cheeks. "I'm sorry for you as well Joseph. I could tell you really loved my daughter" he said. I gave him a hug and we sat down waiting anxiously for a doctor. 

 Finally, a female doctor walked in with red eyes. "Jacobson" she called. Everyone stood up and we walked to her room. We looked onto the bed where her lifeless body lay. Her skin looked gray and she had blood all over her. I walked  over next to her bed and held her hand, we all wept. I kissed her forehead one last time, hoping this was just some twisted dream. We all took turns sitting next to her, and talking to her although she couldn't hear us. We walked out all in shock. 

*Days later. Funeral*

 We all stood around Emma's casket. She was dressed in her favorite blue and white dress with her treble clef necklace and diamond earrings. Gabriel, Chris, and PJ Dallas turned up as well to pay their respects. We all took turns speaking about Emma and reminiscing on all our good times.  As we left we saw no other than Dan Howell. I looked at him. He stood in all black with bloodshot eyes. "I'm sorry, truly. I never expected this. I know an apology means nothing to you but I just felt like I had to. I'l have to live with this the rest of my life, and that's something I'm ready to face" he choked out. Anger rose inside of all of us but we nodded, knowing violence isn't what Emma wanted. We all left and went to her house just to talk about her and how wonderful she was. 

 I hoped there was an afterlife so that I could see her one day, we all did. I walked up to her room and looked at her desk, I saw all the old Polaroids of us. Everyone walked in behind me. "Take anything you'd like. Emma would want that" Mr. Jacobson says. I took the Polaroids and put them in her small purse that she'd always make me carry for her whilst she looked for something she'd lost. That's all I wanted. Joe took a flannel and her perfume, the flannel she wore the day of their first date. Alison took some pictures they had together and her blue necklace Emma would always try to give to her but she always refused to take it because it was so special. Gabriel took the notepad from when they first met, back when they were young. 

Although Emma was gone, she will always be there with us in spirit, no matter what. 

Thank you all so so much for reading. All of your support means so much to me and I wouldn't be where I am without you. I know this wasn't an ideal ending for some of you but as we know.. all good things must come to an end. I honestly don't want this series to end because I've built such a strong connection with these characters. But all in all, thank you. If you have any suggestions for future books, please please please feel free to DM me at any time. Or if you just want to be friends! For a final time..

Love you all!

xx Lexi

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