Part 12

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*1 week and a half later*

First day back after the incident

I took a deep breath and walked into the school gates with Phil, our arms linked. "It'll be okay" he assured me. Gabriel and PJ ran up to greet us. "Hey guys" I half smiled. "Emma!" Gabe said and hugged me tightly. "Hi" I said and hugged him back. "I was so worried. How are you?" Pj asked and hugged me. "I'm better. Where's Chris?" I smiled. "He has the flu. He's being dramatic" he sighed. "Okay. I hope he feels better" I said. The bell rang and it was time to go to our first class. I grabbed my math book out of my locker and walked to class.

"Emma! It's nice to have you back" Mr.Lee said, smiling. "Good to be back" I lied with a fake smile. He went on about the lesson and I saw Dan glaring at me out of the corner of my eye. "Anything you'd like to say?" I snapped quietly. "Not to you" he growled. I rolled my eyes and continued taking notes. At the end of class I walked to my locker and got my history book.

*End of day*

"Hey Philly I have to go back to my locker, I forgot my English text book" I explained and walked away. "Want me to go with you?" he asked. "I'm sure I'll be fine" I called and continued walking I got to my locker and grabbed my book. I decided to take the longer way so my legs could get used to walking. I was walking down the ramp when I saw Dan on the floor with his arm deeply cut. He was nearly passed out. I dropped everything and got down to his level. "Dan, what happened?" I asked frantically. "D-Dylan" he said. His eyes closing. "Stay with me okay. Why did he do that?" I asked. "I dunno" he said. I took off my shirt, leaving me only in my tank top. I wrapped it around his arm and applied pressure.

"I have to call 999 okay?" I said. "Emma?" he whispered. "Yeah?" I asked, taking out my phone. "Why are you being so nice when all I've done is hurt you?" he asks. "Because even though you hurt me, you're a person to and it's polite to care" I simply said and called 999. He said a few more things that I couldn't make out. I told them the emergency and they were on the way. Phil came to find me because he was worried. He saw me with Dan. "Emma? What's wrong!?" he asked. "Dan's basically dying so I called 999 I have to stay" I said frantically and stayed as close to him as possible. I sat him up and elevated his arm. "Stay with me Dan" I repeated and held his head up. "T-Thank you" he said. At this point my hands were covered in his blood.

 10 minutes later an ambulance came and took him to the hospital. "Thank you for reporting this miss. Are you Daniel's sister, girlfriend, or just a friend? We'll contact you to tell you about how he's doing" one of the policemen told me. "Just a friend. And thank you" I said and walked back over to Phil.  I don't know why but I really care about him. I guess it was just my instinct kicking in that I needed to help. "You okay?" he asked. "Yep" I smiled. He nodded and we started the walk home. 

  Phil and I finally got home and went up to his room. As soon as I out my bag down beside the bed my phone rang. I quickly answered and put it on speaker. "Hello is this Emma Jacobson?" an unfamiliar voice asked. "Yes, who is this?" I ask. "I'm Daniel Howell's doctor. I was asked to inform you about his well being. He's okay. He will be getting stitches soon. The cut was less than a centimeter away from his major artery in his left arm. I wanted to thank you for aiding him while you waited for help to arrive. We are estimating he was bleeding out for at least 5 to 10 minutes before you helped him. You did an amazing job by applying the pressure to the wound. If it wasn't for you, he could've died. Have a good night miss" he said. "Thank you so much. Have a good night" I said and hung up.

 "Wow" Phil said. "Yep.."I whispered. "Cereal?" he asked, changing the subject. "Perfect" I smiled and we walked downstairs. "These good?" he asked grabbing a box of Crunchy Nut which is my favorite. "They're great" I smiled. He grabbed 2 bowls, 2 spoons, and milk and walked back up to his room. "This may or may not be my dads cereal that I take all the time.." he chuckled. "You haven't changed. You're still my little cereal thief" I laughed. He laughed and turned on American Horror Story. 

*Next morning at the hospital*

Phil and I decided to wake up early to see how Dan was doing. Apparently he was just out of the OR from getting stitches and cleaning his wound. I walked in and he looked over at me quickly. "Hey Emma" he said quietly. "Hey. We're just here to check on you before school" I said. "Why'd you help me? Sorry if I asked already. Last night is a bit blurry" he asked. "Because I know how Dylan is. He's done the same thing to me. So have you. But still, I knew I needed to help you. If I didn't I wouldn't be able to live with that" I explained. "Thank you, look I'm sorry. For everything" he sighed. "Don't worry about it. Just focus on getting better. Later" I said and walked out. I knew even though he apologized he'd still be the same Dan I know when he gets back. 

I'll admit it, I don't like him. But I will never just let anyone die on their own, no matter who it is. 

Hey loves! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated. I'm trying to make each chapter as interesting as possible. Tomorrow is the day we all dread. Phil's turning 30... wowza. Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it!

xx lexi

Why Me?- Bullied By Dan Howell SequelWhere stories live. Discover now