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"Can't catch me Haddock!" Eret yelled as Kari chased him throgh the sea stacks on Stormfly while she rode Hookfang.

"You wanna bet you son of an Eret?" She yelled as she and Hookfang rounded back to cut them off.

"Where'd she go?" Eret asked Stormfly as he glanced back. Stormfly squawked nervously in response and Eret urged her to land. "Okay Kari come out now!" He called out, hoping she'd show up.

"Yaaaa!" Eret felt something heavy slam into him and he found himself on the floor. "Gotcha!" A sweet and familiar voice said softly into his ear.

"Okay princess, mind getting off me?" Eret asked as he tried getting off the floor.

"Carry me!" Kari whined and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

"Can't you walk?" Eret asked as he managed to get to his feet. It was very hard especially when Kari had already attached herself to him by wrapping her legs around his waist.

"No. Besides I like it when you carry me, I feel special when you do." She giggled and hugged him tightly.

"It's gonna be very hard flying on a dragon if we're like this." Eret said walking over to Stormfly. "Tell you what, when we get back to Berk I'll carry you like this till you get bored and wanna walk again. Deal?"

"Fine." Kari said releasing herself from him and climbed onto Hookfang. "Race you back?"

"Looser has to clean the winner's dragon stall." Eret agreed and climbed onto Stormfly. But as soon as he sat down on the saddle, Hookfang was already in the air and racing back towards Berk. "Hey no fair!" Eret yelled as Stormfly shot into the sky and was racing after Hookfang.

"Catch me if you can!" Kari yelled bringing Hookfang to fly faster. "Come on bot let's prove to him and Snotlout that you are the fastest!" Hookfang roared in agreement and picked up his speed.

The two dragons were neck to neck as soon as the academy came into view. Kari lifted herself a bit out of the saddle to give Hookfang more speed and they flew right in through the doors of the academy and landed.

"I win!" She yelled as Hookfang skidded and almost crashed into a wall panting. "Good boy! You were so great today!"

"You over exhausted my dragon!" Snotlout yelled

"Hey this isn't as bad as the time you overrode him and got him sick." Kari yelled back at her cousin and climbed off. "Besides I had him resting for a while before we raced Eret back here."

"And it looks like I'm on dragon cleaning duty." Eret sighed climbing off of Stormily and walking her back over to Astrid. "Anyone else had some issues with their new dragons?"

"Not really." Bella said from on top of Belch. "Although someone was having some difficulty trying to steer his head in the other direction."

"Sorry! I'm not used to riding this dragon!" Fishlegs protested.

"Skull Crusher and I had no problems whatsoever." Astrid said and patted the Rumblehorn's head.

"Striker was just like riding Hookfang, in a way." Snotlout said scratching his cousin's Skrill under the chin. "Too bad Hiccup  Toothless couldn't participate in this."

"Well we had no one else to do and and there was no way I was gonna let Gustav ride Toothless." Hiccup said giving his cousin a look. "Besides my mother was too busy to help with this."

"Your dragon is too slow man, you really need to put her on a diet." Tuffnut said as Fishlegs took Meatlug's saddle off her back to give her a rub down.

"Star was awesome Bella!" Ruffnut cheered as she got off of Bella's Light Fury, Star. "Can we do this again?"

"If you're gonna be exploding things on the next dragon, no." Kari said walking over to Striker and scratching him under the chin. "Did you miss me my little bolt eater? Hmm? Did you miss me?"

"You keep talking to him like that and he's gonna be soft." Snotlout scoffed.

"Shut up Buttlout." Kari said sticking her tongue out at him. "My precious baby is tough no matter how I talk to him."

"That's the spirit." Eret laughed.


"I'm surprised you're not tired from carrying me all day." Kari said to Eret as he carried her back to her home.

"I'm used to heavier loads than you princess." Eret chuckled as they reached the porch. He waited for her to get down from his back before opening the door for her. "This was pretty fun too."

"It sure was." Kari said with a smile. To her surprise, Eret took one of her hands and kissed the top of it before placing a hand on her cheek and patting it.

"Good night Kari." He said giving her a smile and walking down the steps.

"Did he just kiss your hand?" Bella asked sticking her head out the door and startling her sister.

"Were you spying on me?!" Kari asked feeling her face burn with embarrassment.

"He opened the door, I could hear ya both all the way from the kitchen." Bella said rolling her eyes and pulling her sister into the house. "Did I just see what I think just happened?"

"What do you mean?" Kari asked confused.

"He kissed you! He kissed your hand but that still counts!" Bella squealed and shook her sister.

"I already had my first kiss thanks to Toothless!" Kari yelled trying to escape her sister's grip.

"Eret kissed you?" Hiccup asked looking up from his papers with a grin. "And here I thought you weren't into boys! This is great!"

"Mom make them stop!" Kari yelled.

"You two leave your sister be, she's already red from that boy kissing her." Valka scolded before turning to her eldest daughter. "And Kari consider that little kiss as a stepping stone."

"Why? He just kissed my hand and....oh..."

It had dawned on Kari of what was now happening. She knew Eret liked her from the start when they first met but they both had a friendly sort of relationship. That is until the weird nicknames they gave each other came along and the long glances they gave to each other when they thought the other wasn't looking. And then the awkward moments when they'd crash into each other and fall over or him catching her if she fell or slipped. And now the kiss on the hand was something new.

"Oh my gods!" She groaned and walked up the stairs to her room. "Oh gods this is so....I can't even find the words for this!"

"Be happy! He could be your future husband!" Bella yelled from downstairs.

Kari flopped down on her bed and covered her face with her pillow. Did Eret really like her in that way? Or was she over thinking and his actions were just friendly gestures of friendship. She was starting to like him but didn't want to admit it to anyone especially him.

"No there is definitely something there! He is attracted to me and I am definitely am attracted to him!" She said pulling the pillow off her face and smiling a bit. "Maybe....maybe I can ask him tomorrow and maybe tell him how I feel? Yeah that sounds like a good idea, I just hope I'm right. Last thing I want is to look like a fool in front of him!"

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