Valentines Day Special

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"Who's that card for Stoick?" Moana asked, bending over to watch Stoick color in a heart he had drawn and recently cut out.

"For my mommy! I'm making my own cards this year!" Stoick said proudly and wrote the words 'to moommy' on it and slapped it down on top of another one that said 'to daddi'.

"Are you gonna make one for your baby sister?" Moana asked.

Recently, a week ago, Kari had went to have an ultrasound done and came home with a photo of the baby that the doctor printed out with the words 'Hi Stoick! I'm a girl!' written on the back in red marker.

"I don't think she'll be able to see it, and mommy and daddy haven't given her a name yet." Stoick answered quietly. "But I can still give one to her, right?"

"Of course! And when she gets older she'll be happy to see that you made her a card even before she was born!" Moana said giving him a smile. "And you don't have to put her name on it yet either."

"Actually, I can! I just hope mommy and daddy like it!"


"Aww you made this?" Kari asked examining the card Stoick had given to her.

"Daddy said he would take me to the store to buy you a card with a box of chocolates but I told him I already made you one!" Stoick chirped happily. "I even made one for my sissy!"

"Oh did you?" Kari asked looking surprised.

"Yep! Can we hang it up next to my turkey and reindeer drawing?" Stoick asked, handing his mother another messy heart.

"Well of course we can, and you can give daddy his card when he comes back from the store." Kari said taking the card. "Now go wash up, lunch is almost ready."


As Stoick ran out, Kari looked down at the card and smiled.

"'To my little sissy, Danairees' I think he mean Daenerys." She chuckled.

Stoick always liked it when she read him bits of her favorite book series, the non-violent and clean parts, and really liked the character Daenerys. He even said at one point that if he were born a girl he would have been liked to be named Daenerys.

Last year for his birthday she actually dyed her hair pale blonde and donned violet eye contacts and dressed up as her for his Viking themed birthday. While everyone was wearing leather armor with plastic swords and furs and braids, she had came out wearing a blue dress with a slit in the front with a pair of black leggings and dusty black boots with a swirling blue cape and her hair braided in some parts and with a plush dragon backpack strapped to her back with his cake on a tray and singing happy birthday in Valyrian.

"Your big brother really loves you." She said putting a hand on her swollen stomach and rubbing it gently. "He hopes you'll be strong and great like the great dragon princess he looks up to and promises to be the way her older brother should have been."

"I'm home!" Kari glanced out of the kitchen to see her husband walking in with two plastic bags in hand.

"Welcome back dear." She answered with a smile and walked over to him.

"How are my two beautiful girls?" Dagur asked giving her a kiss on the lips and a kiss to her belly.

"Oh little Dany and I are fine." She said and held up Stoick's card. "He already put her name on the card so we can't change it."

"Who's Dan- oh he meant Daenerys!" Dagur chuckled. "He really wants to name his sister that huh? Too bad he didn't pick a more simpler name from the books."

"Well we'll have them call her Dany if they can't pronounce it." His wife answered with a shrug. "Besides, Stoick likes the character and wants his sister to be just like her."

"Not a very good role model though, tends to burn people who are mean to her."

"Well we will just have to show Dany that it's not nice to burn people."

"Can I just say that this is the weirdest Valentines day we ever had?"

"You can, just not in front of Stoick."

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