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~One Week Later~

"Ah great I'm bleeding now." Kari said making a face at her night dress that had a nasty splotch of blood on the butt. "It's that time again and it's gonna be hell week for you."

"I don't get why you women make such a big deal when that happens." Dagur said taking the night gown from her and gathered the blankets from the bed. "But I guess I gotta get used to it. Renitia is scary when she's on hers especially when she goes Berserk."

Well this means I can help Eleanor with her shifting abilities for this week. Kari thought as she took the blankets from Dagur and carried them out of the room to wash them.

"Oh and take a bath as well, I'll see if there any herbs in the pantry to make tea." Dagur said taking the blankets and gown back.

Kari did what he asked by soaking herself in warm and steaming water before dressing again and going into the kitchen. She found Dagur busy at the fire pit with a large pot and trying to pour whatever contents were in it into a cup without dropping any of it.

"Here let me." Kari said taking the pit from him and pouring the hot water into the cup. "Would you like some?"

"No thanks I'm good." Dagur said shaking his head. "Besides that's for you, you're gonna need it. And I'm gonna be gone all day so I'll be back home late, probably back by tomorrow."

"Going on a little trip?"

"Visiting an island that has been asking for a treaty for protection."

"Well have fun and be safe." Kari said planting a small kiss on his cheek.

"You be safe too, my uncle Margno is in charge of the village while I'm away but help him out of you can." Dagur said grabbing his cloak and a satchel.

"See you soon." Kari said, watching him leave.

As soon as he was gone, Kari went out to feed the dragons. Once she had done that, she set about cleaning the house. While she was busy putting new blankets on the beds, there was a knock on the door.

"Kari? Are you home?" Someone called from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" She yelled, adjusting the blankets and hurrying out to answer the door. She opened it to find Eleanor looking terrified. "Eleanor, is something wrong? She asked letting her in.

"I'm on that time Kari." Eleanor said clutching her stomach. "You know what that means right?"

"So am I kiddo. But don't worry, tonight is gonna be fun I promise." Kari said ruffling her dark hair. "In the meantime, drink this tea, it should help sooth rhe pain in your belly."

"It hurts." Eleanor complained, sitting down on a chair and blowing on the tea.

"I know it does but that's just what nature does to us women. Why we bleed is unknown but I'm still trying to figure out why it affects female weredragons the most."

"How do the males transform if they don't go through it?"

"From what I read is that males who are close to a female during the time she transforms also turns into a weredragon. They start when they hit puberty which is the age of twelve or thirteen just like females."

"That must suck." Eleanor said taking a sip of her tea. "Glad I'm not a male. Which gender is more aggressive?"

"I guess females, I've never met a male weredragon before but I read females were more aggressive." Kari said tapping her chin. "I think I have the book somewhere in my trunks."

"Could I tell my dad I'm staying with you tonight so it won't look suspicious that I'm gone in the early morning?" Eleanor asked putting her cup down.

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