Forgive Me?

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A/N: not really part of the story but like the other one I did of when Kari and Dagur were married during Riders of Berk. Only this one takes place during RTTE on the episode Family on the Edge

"Teaching my soon-to-be ex husband to ride a dragon was the worst idea you ever had!" Kari yelled at Hiccup.

"Stoick thinks it's great." Hiccup said gesturing to the three year old who was petting the green Gronckle. "Plus I think he like this Dagur better than the screaming-and-raging father he knew. And what do you mean by soon-to-be ex husband?"

"I'm planning on divorcing Dagur." Kari replied bluntly. "So I will not have to deal with him anymore."

"Kari you two can't break the marriage! It can only be broken when either or both of you are dead!" Hiccup protested. "Besides, think of how heartbroken Stoick is gonna be when he can't see his father anymore."

"He hasn't seen him in three years, he'll be fine." Kari snorted. "Hiccup, hasn't it occurred to you that he could be a spy? He shows up on the day before we go on that mission, doesn't that seem a little suspicious to you?"

"Well why don't you ask him? He seems to trust you more." Hiccup suggested. "You know how easily he can open up to you."

"Ugh, fine." Kari groaned and walked away.

"You and Shattermaster are gonna be best buddies!" Kari heard her husband coo to Stoick. "And daddy is gonna help you find a dragon so you, mommy and me can go flying together, just like a family!"

"Oh no, you are not teaching him to ride a dragon until he is eighteen." Kari said approaching them. Stoick gave a squeal and ran over to his mother and latched onto her leg.

"How about when he's fifteen?" Dagur suggested as his wife staggered towards him.

"No, and Stoick let go! Mommy is gonna trip!" Kari said as Stoick tried reaching for her other leg.

"Come here buddy." Dagur chuckled, bending down to pry the giggling toddler off his mother's legs. Once he was no longer latched to her, Stoick wrapped him little arms and legs around his father's neck and torso. Dagur laughed but made no move to remove his son. "What were you, a barnacle or starfish in your past life?"

"Mommy said I was a dragon. RWWWWAAAAAAARRRRR!!!"

"A Thunderdrum then." Dagur said rubbing his ear. "Well then, time for your nap."

"Naps are boring!" Stoick whined, still clutching his father's neck.

"If you don't take your nap, you won't get to play with Sleuther later." Kari said gently prying Stoick off his father. "And he really likes to play with you."

Stoick mumbled something softly but let his his mother and father walk him to the hut he shared with Kari. As soon as they arrived, he was already asleep in Kari's arms.

"Remember the first time you let me put him to bed?" Dagur asked in a low voice as Kari tucked her son into his little bed and stuck a small toy under his arm.

"You were so scared of dropping him that your aunt had to repeatedly show you how to do it." Kari replied as she stroked Stoick's hair and walked out of the hut.

"We were a good family, and I want to mend it." Dagur said, placing a hand on Kari's shoulder, but yanked it away when she swatted at it. "Oh come on! What do I have to do to make you forgive me?"

"How can I forgive you for all those horrid things you have done to me and my tribe? You tried killing my brother and his dragon multiple times!" Kari yelled, whirling around to face Dagur. "You kept me as a prisoner and kidnapped my son to be a 'big and happy family', you even hurt your sister!"

"That was then, and when I finally found my sister I tried to change!" Dagur argued. "I'm trying to change for Heather, you and Stoick!"

"Then why show up now? Why now of all days?" Kari asked gripping her hands into fists.

Dagur noted something was off about his wife. He had seen her like this during her cycle when she tended to get rather moody and have outbursts. And she was like that when she was in her early pregnancy stage with Stoick as well.

"Kari, you're acting moody, is it that time again?" Dagur asked and glanced at her stomach. Kari looked down at it, but instead of yelling at him to leave her cycle out of it, she placed her hands on her stomach.

"I'm pregnant." Kari said in a small voice. "Barely three months, and the baby is yours."

Dagur walked over to her and placed on hand on her shoulder and another on top of her hands. When she made no move to push him away, he gently pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead. Made sense, the last time they were together...well it gave you an idea of what happened.

"I know it's mine, and I promise you that before I leave to find my sister I'll be here to see it be born. I wasn't there when Stoick was born so I want to make this one really count." He said enveloping her in a hug. "I promise I'll be an even better father than I was three years ago."

"You were a good father, most of the time." Kari whispered as she hugged Dagur back. "I haven't told anyone yet but they're bound to find out soon."

"We'll tell them, together." Dagur promised. "So from now on no more crazy missions or stunts on that Skrill, you hear me?"

Kari gave a small laugh that he hadn't heard in ages and smiled. Turning good was definitely a good idea.

"Forgive me?" Dagur asked her in asked soft voice.

"I guess." Kari replied in the same tone. "Now you better get going to your lessons with Fishlegs again."

"Right then." Dagur said with a grin. "See you later then."

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