In Need of Each Other

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"You lied to me!" Dagur yelled angrily, pointing a finger accusingly at Hiccup.

"He was trying to keep the peace between our tribes, it was the only way to keep the peace Dagur!" Hiccup argued and looked back at his sister and looked down at the dragon he rode dragon.

"By making a fool, out of me?!" Dagur screamed, his anger and rage already growing stronger. How could he, the teen who he trusted and showed more care too, who he called brother and was going to be in a few years, how could he do that to him?!

"You do that easily on your own!" Kari yelled over Hiccup's shoulder. Dagur could see her hand gripping her brother's shoulder and the fear in her eyes, the fear she had for her only brother and quite possibly for the dragon as well.

"You could have been my brother Hiccup, now you're my enemy." Dagur said, turning his back on them to not let them see the hurt look in his eyes. "And the same goes for you Kari, you could have been my wife, but now you're my enemy as well."

"Let's get out of here." He heard Kari said.

Dagur lunged forward and snatched up his crossbow and aimed it at Hiccup. The Night Fury roared angrily and opened it's mouth to reveal a purple glow. Dagur placed his finger on the trigger and aimed the arrow at the dragon's head. One shot and he was as dead as the last dragons he hunted.

"No don't do it!" Kari yelled, leaping off the Night Fury and standing in front of it with her arms out. "Please Dagur, don't kill either of them!"

"Move!" Dagur yelled, lowering his crossbow slightly. "Before I have to shoot you as well!"

"Kari move!" Hiccup yelled.

Kari stepped forward with her arms still spread out till she was standing on the small ledge in front of Dagur.

"Please don't do this." She begged, her eyes brimming with tears. "Please!"

"I said move!" Dagur screamed.

"No!" Kari yelled back angrily. "I won't let you hurt my brother or my friend!"

He moved forward and yanked her off the rock by her shirt and roughly shoved her to the side and aimed his crossbow back at Hiccup again.

"Your move, Hiccup." He said, releasing his finger on the trigger.

"No!" He saw a blur of purple and brown run in front of them and heard a thump and a loud scream.

Standing between the two teens with an arrow in her chest was Kari. Her green eyes went wide as she stumbled back and looked down at the arrow. A large red stain was already dripping down her tunic as she clutched at the arrow with both hands. When she looked up, she was older but the arrow was stuck in the chest of Stoick who was limp in her arms.

"How could you?" She whispered, her eyes growing wet with tears and looked down at the baby. "I thought you loved us."

"No! I didn't mean to- KARI!" He watched in horror as she fell down on her knees, still clutching the baby to her chest before falling to the side. She gave a weary sigh as the life in her eyes faded away and didn't move.

"You killed them!" Dagur looked up to see Hiccup and Toothless, now older, standing behind Kari's limp body. He leapt off Toothless and dropped down on his knees and turned his sister's body over and began to cry. "No....not her....not my sister and her baby! Gods please no!"

"Hiccup I-"


"Hiccup please! I didn't mean to-" Hiccup lunged forward and pinned Dagur to the trunk of a tree. "Please! Listen to me! It was an accident!" He choked out, clawing at his brother-in-law's hands that were clutching his throat.

"Then so was this!" Hiccup screamed, yanking out a knife and stabbing it into Dagur's chest.

"NO!" Dagur yelled, sitting up in bed and clawing at his chest. He glanced down to see no knife in it, only old and faded scars and faint burn marks from his years of killing dragons before changing.

That started out like the night he declared the Haddock twins his enemies...and it turned into a horrid nightmare. The lifeless look in his wife's eyes when she fell down dead and the look of pain on his dead son's face was starting to give him chills.

"They're not dead, they're not dead, they're not dead, they're definitely not dead." Dagur murmured, hugging the fur blankets to his chest. "They are not dead, I'd never hurt my wife or my baby, I'd never do that."

"You okay?" He looked up to see Heather standing in the doorway with one part of her hair all matted and messy and the other side looking way worst.

"Yeah, just a dream." Dagur said with a nod.

"I heard you screaming Hiccup, Stoick and Kari's names." Heather said walking into the room and stood at the foot of the bed. "It was a nightmare, wasn't it?"

"No it wasn't, go back to bed." Dagur said, gripping the blankets. "Please." Heather studied him with a puzzled look before shrugging and leaving the room, leaving him alone.

Dagur layed back on the bed and turned over to look at Kari's side of the bed. If it were any normal day she'd be there asleep or waking up after hearing him scream, then she'd scoot over to him and ask what he dreamt that scared him and he'd either tell her hesitantly or flat out refuse to tell him and she'd make him tell her. And then afterwards she would let him hold her close and they'd both fall asleep.

"You don't know how much I need you Kari, you and Stoick." He whispered, stretching his arm out and touching the spot where she used to sleep and the spot they'd lay Stoick on to sleep if they decided to let him sleep with them. "It's been over a month and people are telling me to move on and find someone else but it's hard to. I don't want another woman who would give me multiple children, I want you and Stoick. You both were my first and my only, and I want it to stay that way. Please, please come back."


Kari sat up with her hand on her chest and tried taking deep breaths and calm her beating heart. She was covered in sweat and felt like she had been running for miles. That dream....gods it was horrifying and felt so real.

"Stoick!" She whispered, jumping out of the bed and running to the door. She hurried down the hall as quietly as she could and opened the door to the room Tormund and Stoick shared.

Tormund was asleep in his little bed, hugging his little stuffed dragon. Stoick was asleep in his cradle with one of his fingers in his mouth, still breathing and no arrow in his chest.

She smiled as she bent down over the cradle and kissed his soft red hair. Stoick began to stir but went back to sleep. Then she picked him up and walked out of the room and went back to hers.

She went to the open window of her room and looked out at the village. Some villagers and dragons were still awake to do patrolling or enjoying the quiet hours of the night.

She remembered how when she was still engaged to Dagur she would sit on the open window to watch the stars and often Dagur would come into her room to check on her and sit by her to look at the stars as well. And often he'd tell her he had a nasty or disturbing dream earlier (which was often the reason why he went to check on her, to make sure he didn't wake her up with his screaming) and she'd have him sleep with her to make sure he'd sleep well.

"We can't stay here forever, he needs us, I just know it." Kari said looking down at the sleeping form of her son. "I don't know how I know, but I feel it in my heart. I know that your father is struggling without us and we need to go back."

She looked back out the window and looked to the woods that stood behind the village. That was where it all started, and look what it had done to her.

"I'm not going to let this 'incredible gift' stop me from having a good life. I'm going to learn to live with it, even if the people around me are scared that I could hurt them. I can learn to control it when it's bad." Kari said hugging Stoick tightly to her chest. "And if you have it too, then I'll do my best to help you control it."

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