All Alone

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It had been a month since Kari and Stoick left the village. The Berk riders left two days after Kari left, leaving Dagur feeling alone.

'Why didn't I stop her? I should have went after her.' Dagur thought as he sat in front of the fire pit with Shattermaster and Elysia at his side. 'This is all my fault.'

A week after they left, Eleanor and Crimson had also disappeared as well, leaving her father worried sick. Something didn't feel right about her disappearance. And with Kari gone, daughter's of important chief's had began to come to him in hopes of marrying him. Of course, he told them no and that he was still married to Kari despite that she left and begged him to marry someone else who was normal.

The children were less enthusiastic about their lessons and always fighting during class for no reason. About three of them suddenly broke down crying and one claimed it was because of the absence of their favorite teacher.

"You seriously have to get off your ass and start doing something other than moping around." Dagur turned to see Bludgeon standing in the doorway with Renitia and both had unhappy expressions on their faces.

"I'm trying, it's not easy." Dagur groaned, sinking back into his seat. "All these women swarming me to give me a baby and be my wife, little kids crying and being unruly for no reason, and I can't look at my own dragons without being reminded of her."

"Dagur, Kari didn't say for us to follow her, did she?" Renitia asked.

"Well she didn't but she obviously didn't want us, especially me, to follow her even if she didn't say it." Dagur sighed and rubbed his temples. "Now I wish we didn't marry at all, then neither of us would be suffering through this."

"But Stoick wouldn't have been born and we wouldn't have trained dragons either." Bludgeon pointed out.

"Please don't mention him." Dagur groaned, trying to not think of his son.

"Dagur, you have to forget about them and move on." Renitia said, walking up to her cousin and placing a hand on his armored shoulder. "Don't linger in the past cousin."

"Well how do I do that?"

"Just....try and forget about them. Push them to the back of your mind and just forget."

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