Enemies All Around

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"I've only been here for two months and I have made an enemy." Kari groaned, pressing the slab of meat to her blackened eye.

"Don't mind Terria she's just jealous that Dagur is marrying you and not her." Renitia said wrapping Kari's arm up. "Want me, Bludgeon and Eleanor to beat her up?" A/N: Terria is another character from BRKA11472 story as well

"No I can fight my own battles." Kari said waving her off.

"That girl has some nerve." Bludgeon said making a fist. "She showed you disrespect and that's not something anyone should do to the chief's wife at all."

"I'm not his wife yet." Kari corrected him. "Not for a month all least."

"I'm actually very excited to attend this wedding." Renitia said as she finished binding Kari's arm up. "Are you excited as well Kari? You are the one who's getting married!"

"Yeah but I'm more nervous than excited." Kari admitted. "What if I back out at the last second? Or what if he changes his mind and decides we shouldn't marry?"

"It'd be better if you did, our chief doesn't deserve someone like you." The three Vikings turned around to see a blonde woman all clad in armor standing behind them.

"Oh great it's the Berserker B*tch." Bludgeon muttered, earning a glare from the woman.

"Let me kill her, I'll show her not to mess with my cousin's future wife." Renitia said gripping the knife she had strapped to the side of her leg. "No one disrespects a chieftess especially if she is going to be related to me, Terria!"

"Letting others fight your battles for you?" Terria asked Kari in a mocking tone. "How pitiful, especially for one who claimed she went very Berserk. And I thought you two didn't like the Berkian brat."

"Kari is going to be part of our family very soon." Bludgeon snapped angrily. "And quit being so mean to her, it's not her fault that Dagur finds her more likeable than you."

"Dagur doesn't need a b*tch like her." Terria snapped back. "That woman shamed us along with that brother of hers six years ago and he was stupid enough to still be in love with her!"

"That is true, but Kari has proved herself to have been a great warrior and a peacemaker among the villagers and other tribes." Renitia said making a face. "Besides their fathers made an agreement to marry them to strengthen the peace treaty between our tribes."

"What's going on here? Eleanor said she saw you three come in here." Dagur asked walking into the room. His eyes landed on Kari who was holding a chunk of yaksteak to her eye and had her arm all bandaged up and some more bruises on  her face. "Oh gods what happened to you? Who did this to you?" He asked rushing over to her.

"I'm fine I'm just a little banged up that's all." Kari said trying to stand but Dagur pushed her back down onto the cot gently.

"Why don't you ask Terria?" Bludgeon suggested.

Dagur turned to the blonde with an angry look written on his face. She went a bit pale and stepped away from him nervously.

"What did you do to her?" He asked slowly, his face started to become red. "What did you do to Kari?"

"T-they're lying! I didn't do anything!" She yelled, covering her head.

"She attacked me from behind." Kari said  from the cot And tried to sit up. "I tried defending myself but it didn't seem to work. Elysia had to yank her off of me and both your cousins carried me back to the infirmary to get fixed up. Do I look bad?"

"I'm sure you'll be fine before the wedding." Dagur assured her before turning back to Terria. "Tell the whole village that the next person to lay a hand on my wife like this will get both their hands cut off." Terria nodded meekly before rushing out of the infirmary.

"I'm fine Dagur, I can fight for myself. I don't need you, Bludgeon, Renitia or anyone else getting into trouble for defending me." Kari said, trying to sit up but gave a small gasp and laid back down. "Gods this is worst than the time I went three rounds nonstop with Eret."

"You'll be better before the wedding." Renitia assured her, bringing over an ice block. "And just ignore Terria, she's just jealous that Dagur chose you to be his wife and give him children to carry on his legacy."

"Here, this should help." Dagur said, taking the ice from his cousin and placing it on the side of Kari's head. "Want me to carry you home?"

"She'll be staying here tonight with her dragon guarding her." Said Aria, one of the elders who ran the infirmary. "But you are welcome to stay here with her for the night just in case one of Terria's friends comes in to finish her off."

"Thank you Aria." Dagur said, nodding at the elder.

"We'll come around later to keep watch." Bludgeon said, heading out the door with Renitia behind him.

"Excited for your wedding aren't you?" Aria asked, walking over to one of her cabinets and pulling out some bandages.

"Very." Kari said with a small smile.

"Planning on going somewhere for the honeymoon?"

"We actually haven't talked about that yet." Dagur said and looked down at his fiancé. "Anywhere special you want to go?"

"How about Dragon Island?" Kari suggested. "We could camp out under the stars, go fishing, observe dragons, it'll be fun!"

"Sounds like a plan." Dagur said giving her a smile.

"I remember when your parents discussed their future together. Rosalind was always coming to me for help, especially after she and Oswald got married and were thinking of having children." Aria chuckled. "Oswald would come to me asking for herbs that can give either of them a chance to be fertile before the fertility ceremony."

"I don't think Kari is gonna do it." Dagur said shaking his head.

"Yes I am, if that's what's going to give us a baby then I'll do it." Kari protested.

"You should have seen Rosalind the three times she had done it. First time it was a Gronckle heart and the second time was a Whispering Death heart and the final time was a Changewing."

"Fine then I'm getting you a Monstrous Nightmares heart." Dagur said and placed a hand on Kari's stomach. "We have tons of dragons in our haunted woods and there are some who are practically monsters, huge brutes that are stronger than the normal dragons."

"My mother calls those titan dragons, dragons who are raised or trained to the highest level." Kari said placing her hand on Dagur's. "Both Toothless and Striker "Think you can train Elysia to be a titan?" Dagur asked.

"Let's wait for my mother and sister to come, they've trained dragons to titan size." Kari said and gave a yawn. "I feel sleepy already, can I take a nap?"

"Go ahead dear, you need your rest." Aria said with a nod.

"Thanks, wake me up when it's time to eat." Kari said stiffling another yawn and let herself drift off to sleep.

"A word of advice to you Dagur," Aria said in a serious tone. "She is your queen, your wife and your friend, never let anyone or anything hurt her."

"I won't let anyone hurt her." Dagur said and gently hugged Kari to his chest. "I'll kill or punish whoever hurts her. And like my father, I won't let anyone hurt my wife or children."

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