A Time To Leave

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"Kari!" The guests all turned to see the doors of the feast hall burst open and gasped when Eleanor stumbled in. Her body was covered in mud and what looked like dried blood.

"Eleanor!" Kari gasped, rushing to the teen and caught her before she fell. "Eleanor what happened? Where's your dragon?"

"They...killed her...you gotta help us." Eleanor wheezed as she went into a coughing fit. "Please help us!"

"Help who?" Kari asked, wrapping her cloak around the girl's shivering body. "Who killed your dragon?"

"Dragon....hunters...." Eleanor murmured before going limp.

"Is she okay?" Hiccup asked kneeling down beside his sister.

"She passed out, I need to get her to the infirmary." Kari said standing up. Just then, several other teens and a young boy ran into the room wearing clothes that looked too big for their bodies.

"You gotta help us! Please!" The boy begged, running over to Kari and grabbing her arm. "They killed our families and her dragon and several other weredragons!"

"There are more weredragons?" Hiccup asked in shock and the boy nodded.

"My mom was one and they thought I was one too but I can only talk to dragons not turn into one."

"Know what, tell us everything." Kari said to the boy. "And be as detailed as possible."


"I'm not letting you go out to hunt those men down, it's too dangerous." Dagur said to his wife.

The celebrations of Snoggletog were still going on, but the chief and his queen were outside in the village square talking. Kari shivered and tugged her cloak around her more tightly to keep her warm.

"I have to Dagur, they were the few who were able to break out and get away alive." She argued and frowned. "If I don't help them, what sort of person would I be? Weredragons have always been solitary creatures but if another weredragon is in trouble, they go to help their kind."

"I don't care, I won't let you go and get yourself killed! Didn't it ever occur to you that this could be a trap?" Dagur snapped. "My cousin and those other weredragons were probably taken away from their homes and only released to draw you in! If you want to go, take someone with you. But i forbid you to do this mission alone."

"And let them be killed? I will not let that happen, not while I am still alive!" Kari yelled. "I will not drag my friends or family into this!"

"Then i forbid you from leaving this island!"

"You can't do that to me!"

"I can and I just did!" And with that, Dagur stormed away back to the Great Hall and leaving Kari alone in the snow.

'He can't just tell me what to do, he knows those other weredragons need to be rescued. But I'm not dragging anyone else into this fight.'


Kari finished knotting up the last part of her bracer and adjusted the hood over her head. It was already past midnight since everyone except her had went to bed. Striker was already saddled up and waiting for her outside of the house, but she wanted to say at least goodbye to some people.

She walked out of the guest room she had changed in and walked to the nursery where Stoick and Tormund were asleep. She walked over to the to Tormund's bed and gently kissed his forehead before turning to Stoick's cradle.

She carefully lifted him out of the cradle and laid his head on her shoulder.

"My sweet son, my sweet and beautiful boy." She murmured as she cradled the toddler and stroked his hair. "I'm so sorry that I had to do this to you, but I have to do it. You have my dragon blood running through you and I don't want those in hurting you in the future. Be a good boy to your daddy and auntie for me, will you?"

She laid her son back down in his cradle and kissed his nose softly before walking out of the nursery and shutting the door behind her. Kari opened the door to Heather's room slightly to look at her sister-in-law one last time before shutting it and walking to the master bedroom. Her husband laid there asleep but she didn't dare enter.

'May the gods keep me safe and let me return home to be with you all.' She thought before shutting the door behind her. 'I must go help them before those hunters hurt anymore of my kind. And once I get there, I am taking them all out and placing them somewhere safe.

'This may be the last time I ever see my family ever again, but I don't want them to get hurt.' After adjusting her hood and lifted her scarf over her mouth, she walked out of the house to where Striker was waiting.

<Think we'll come back someday?> Striker asked.

<Probably, but not so soon.> Kari answered. <Let's just hope they won't follow us.>

<I talked to Skull Crusher and Stormfly earlier and asked them to not let the others follow.> Striker said as Kari climbed onto his back. <Said they'll try their best not to let the others follow us at all.>

<Good, then we have a better chance of not being followed, and I don't want them hurt.>

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