Wanted and Loved

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~Four Weeks Later~

"You look so pretty!" Eleanor sighed as Kari examined her reflection. "Dagur's gonna forget to say his own vows when he sees how pretty you look!"

"It's not done yet, remember that sweetie." Angelina said, adjusting the back of the dress. "Any adjustments you want to add or remove from the dress?" She asked Kari.

"No I think this is perfect." Kari said as she adjusted the top part of her dress. "It's not too low and not high up to my neck either. Also it's not so tight as some other dresses I had to wear, it's prefect!"

"Simple elegance, did you know that this was Rosalind's dress?"

"Rosalind? Who's that?" Kari asked.

"Why Oswald's wife! She was known as Rosalind the Gentle and was one of the few sane Berserkers in our tribe. She had hair that looked like fire when the sun shone on it and dark green eyes that seemed to dance with fire when she was angry." Angelina explained. "Oswald was so in love with the girl that as soon as he was of age, he begged her to marry him but she didn't want to marry anyone, even if he was the chief!"

"Why not?" Kari asked, quite curious about the woman she never met.

"Oh she preferred the company of the woodland animals instead of men. Oswald though, she did like since he was much different than most of the men, makes you wonder where Dagur got his rude and violent attitude when both his parents were so calm doesn't it?" Angelina chuckled.

"It does, but if she didn't want to marry Oswald, then how did Dagur and that sister he mentioned having come in?" Eleanor asked her aunt.

"Well Rosalind and Oswald loved each other very much, and after many years of begging and pleading she said yes man married him and gave Oswald a son who died two weeks later."

"What?!" Kari and Eleanor yelled in unison in horror.

"Yes, little Norbert died of a fever, poor boy. Both Oswald and Rosalind were heartbroken but that didn't stop Rosalind from trying to give her husband another son."

"Please tell me this one didn't die either." Eleanor said looking uncomfortable.

"Oh no, this one was Dagur. You should have seen him! He was so small and always screaming his little head off!" Angelina said shaking her head. "It's a wonder either of them had gotten any sleep."

"And what about his sister?"

"Oh, little Heather. She looked just like her mother but had her father's dark hair and her mother's eyes. Both loved their little girl with all their hearts but little Dagur felt unloved."

"Unloved...." Kari whispered, thinking of her brother.

For years it always seemed like Stoick had favored her over her brother, letting her be outside during the raids to help defend the village, always praising her when she hit the target during archery, apparently she was no disappointment. And Hiccup, often referred to as 'Stoick's little disappointment'. No matter how many times she had told her brother that their father loved him just as much as he loved her, Hiccup never believed her and always thought he could ever get the same love Stoick gave to her.

"He still feels that way doesn't he?" Kari asked, turing to Angelina. "Unloved and unwanted most of the time?"

"At time he does, even when we try and show it to him, he doesn't see it even now. But maybe you can help him see that there are people who love him and don't want him to feel unwanted." Angelina said as she unlaced the back of the dress and helped Kari step out of it. "I'll go put this away, you best get home before Dagur does."


"I'm home." Dagur mumbled wearily as he removed his fur cape and hung it up. He stumbled up the stairs, almost tripping over the last step before making his way into his room that he shared with his fiancé.

"Back so late?" He heard her say as he fumbled with his boots. He felt a pair of gentle hands touch his tense shoulders and began to rub them gently.

"Yeah- oh gods!"

"Sorry!" Kari apologized, moving her hands away. "Your muscles are tense."

"I need sleep." Dagur muttered, leaning sideways and let Kari help him onto the bed and lay his head under her chin.

"My poor husband." She said gently running her fingers through his short hair. "Get some rest, hopefully you can be able to work tomorrow. I'll draw you a warm and relaxing bath to soothe the muscle cramps if you can't work."

"Thanks..." Dagur said taking her hand. "I feel sooo loved."

"I'm not the only one who is concerned how you're working yourself like this Dagur, your family and I are worried that if you keep working like this you will hurt yourself." Kari said. "So many people actually care about you besides me. Your aunts for one, and your uncles, and your cousins too."

"Nobody loves me." Kari frowned and shoved Dagur off of her and onto the floor. "OWWW WHAT THE HELL?!"

"Don't you ever say that! Don't you ever say that nobody loves you and everyone hates you! You are better than that Dagur!" Kari yelled and then lowered her voice. "You have seven aunts and uncles and several cousins who love and adore you, you had parents who loved you so much even after they had your sister they still loved you, people who tell you to be careful and to watch your step, they love you in a way too."

"Did you have to shove me off the bed?" Dagur asked, standing up and brushing himself off.

"Yes I did and you were too heavy on me." Kari said rolling her eyes. "Didn't you even hear what I just said? There are many people besides me and your dragon who love you, even if they don't say it their actions tell you they love you."

"My parents stopped loving me after my sister was born. They loved their precious little princess more than me." Dagur said sitting on the edge of the bed. "I was so jealous that I sent her adrift just to get them to love me back but that just killed my mother and made my father hate me."

Kari crawled over to him and hugged her fiancé from behind and kissed his cheek.

"Your parents did love you and your sister Dagur. My brother always thought my father didn't love him because he wasn't anything like me. Your father may have been angered of what you have done but that doesn't mean he hated you."

"How do you know?"

"How can a father hate his only son after his first son died days after he was born?"

"My aunt told you didn't she?" Dagur asked making a face.

"Yes she did. Now stop being a sour puss!" Kari said giving him another hug and kissed the side of his head. "Come on stop being so grouchy and unhappy!"

Dagur grinned mischievously and twisted himself around and tackled her down onto the bed making her yell.

"Okay if you even do what I think you're going to do I am gonna-" Kari was cut off when Dagur kissed her on the lips.

"Shut up." He said breaking the kiss and helped her sit up. "I see your point then, but you'd have to ask my father yourself to prove you are right."

"Relax, I just know it." Kari said giving her fiancé a smile. "And don't ever forget that you have people besides me and Elysia who love you."

"Even if the whole world turns against me I still have you and my dragon." Dagur said hugging her. "You both matter to me the most and nothing will change that."

"Who knows, maybe in a year or two you'll have another one to love as well." Kari said hugging him back tightly. "And I know you'll love them."

Dagur smiled knowing that she was talking about their future child. He could hardly wait for their wedding and for the things that were soon to come.

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