Thanksgiving Special

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Another holiday short, just like with the Dreadfall on

"So you agreed to host Thanksgiving here instead of with the Frost's right?" Hiccup asked his brother-in-law as they were setting the table.

"Yep, last time we had it at the Croods it was a disaster, their weird cat kept trying to steal the turkey off the table before we even said thanks." Dagur said as he finished placing the last plate on the table. "Okay so we have the adult table set up and the kiddie table too, now we need the napkins."

"Look daddy! I made a turkey!" Stoick yelled, running into the dinning room with a colorful hand turkey and smudges paint all over his hands and face.

"Okay that's cute." Dagur chuckled as he bent down to wipe Stoick's face. "Want me to put it on the fridge?"

"Yes!! I wanna show it off to aaaaall my friends and cousins when they come!" Stoick said proudly as he followed his father to the kitchen. "Is my babysitter coming too?"

"Yes we invited your babysitter as well." Dagur said grabbing a dragon magnet and pinning the painting next to an old shopping list. "And her family is coming as well."

"Who's her babysitter?" Hiccup asked handing Dagur a stack of napkins.

"This high schooler who's family moved into our neighborhood recently. Their old lady is a little weird but the kid is a sweet one and let's Stoick play with her pet pig." Dagur explained. "She's great with Stoick, much better than the last sitter."

"That was the one who ran out screaming because Stoick nearly set the kitchen on fire."

"Yeah but this one is much better and more tolerant with him."

The doorbell rang and they heard the door swing open.

"I'm home boys!"

"Mama!" Stoick ran from the living room and tackled his mother's ankles, nearly causing her to fall over and almost drop the bag she was holding.

"Stoick what did grandma tell you about knocking your mother over when she's carrying something?" Hiccup scolded as he hurried over to help his sister.

"Sowy uncle Hiccup." Stoick said hugging his mother's leg.

"Sowy won't cut it if she dropped the pie and broke her neck." Dagur added.

"Oh don't be so harsh on him, he hasn't seen me in two hours." Kari said, bending down to pick Stoick up and kissed his cheek. "Is everything ready?"

"Yep, just about ready. Just need to wait for the turkey to finish cooking." Hiccup replied and looked down at his messy shirt. "And I better change before Astrid and Lacey get here."

"We all better get cleaned up." Kari said with a chuckle. "Especially this little artist."

"I made a turkey!" Stoick announced proudly. "Daddy hung it up on the refrigerator!"

"That's nice dear, now let's get you cleaned up."


"....and so we'd like to give thanks for letting us all be here to celebrate this day." Kari finished and released Rapunzel and Heather's hands. "Now let's eat shall we?"

As the guests were getting their food, none of them noticed Toothless slink into the room. Well, only one saw him.

"Mommy! Toothless got in!" Stoick yelled, waddling over to the black cat and picked him up. He dragged him over to his babysitter who was getting food and tugged on her skirt. "Look Momo! This is Toothless, he belongs to my uncle!"

"Stoick, put that cat down and put him in the living room." Astrid said frowning. "Sneaky boy, Moana can you take him to wash his hands."

"I'll take him to go wash his hands Mrs. Hofferson." Moana said putting her plate down on a table and grabbing Stoick's free hand. "Come on, let's give him his dinner and then you can show him to me later."

"Okay Momo."

Once Toothless was in the kitchen with Striker and Shattermaster, Stoick let Moana lead him to the bathroom to wash his hands.

"What do you have to be thankful for Stoick?" Moana asked as she rubbed the soap between Stoick's fingers.

"My mommy and daddy and food." Stoick responded as he turned the water on to rinse off his hands.

"Anything else?" Moana asked, reaching for a towel.

" mommy and daddy's dogs?"

"Well I suppose you can be thankful for that-"

"I gotta pee! Hurry up!" A male yelled from the other side of the door.

"Just hold it in Maui! You were able to do that last week during Doctor Strange remember?" Moana yelled back as she finished drying Stoick's hands.

"That was different!"

As they left the bathroom and walked back to the dinning room, Stoick saw his mother surrounded by Sina, Astrid, Heather, Ruffnut, Edith (whom everyone called Eep for some reason), Rapunzel, Merida and Tina and talking in hushed whispers about something.


"Two months in? And so soon?" Tina whispered looking at Kari in surprise.

"Have you told either of them?" Merida asked.

"No I haven't yet." Kari said setting her glass of water down on the table beside her. "I don't know how either of them will react to this news."

"I'm sure Stoick and Dagur would be happy." Heather said and placed her hand on her now bulging stomach. "Tormund and Eret were when I told them the news."

"Maybe I should tell them." Kari said looking at Dagur who was talking to his friends and to Stoick who was coming back into the room with Moana. "I should."

"They're gonna find out soon." Edith pointed out. "You can't hide this forever."

"You're right." Kari walked over to a chair and climbed up onto it. "Attention everyone!"

All the guests stopped talking and turned to their hostess who stood on her chair.

"I have very exciting news that I couldn't stand to keep hidden." Kari continued and looked at her husband and son with a smile. "I'm pregnant."

Kari watched as her husband's jaw drop and Stoick's face light up with excitement. Hiccup looked at Dagur and Eret in shock while Snotlout looked like he was going to cry at any second.

"You better be a brother!" Stoick hollered. Everyone in the room including Kari burst into laughter as she climbed down from the chair and seated herself properly.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the baby decided to be a girl just to anger him." Sina said to Valka with a chuckle.

"Oh Dagur is going to spoil the baby if it was a girl." Valka said nodding in agreement. "But I'm sure Stoick will love his new sibling despite whatever gender they are born."

"And he'll have something new to be thankful for as well."


A/N: the character Sina is Moana's mother, had to look up her name to put her in the story. I think from now on I'm gonna put little holiday specials in this book.

For the Snoggletog one should it be in a modern AU or in their regular Viking era?

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