Possible Relations

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~The Next Day~

"Kari...." Dagur groaned as he opened his eyes. He looked over to the right expecting to see his wife asleep next to him only to see a shelf full of herbs

"You're awake now." He sat up and turned to see Aria walking over to him with some fresh bandages. "That was some shot you have taken."

Dagur looked down at his chest to see it wrapped up. Then he remembered what happened yesterday, getting struck by an arrow by Angus by mistake.

"Good thing I wasn't carrying my son or the arrow hit my chest." He said twisting his shoulder around to look at the injury and let out a yelp of pain.

"Lay down! You'll hurt yourself more if you keep moving around like that! The wound is not deep but it sort of damaged some muscle." Aria scolded as Dagur eased himself back down onto the bed.

"Where's my wife?" He asked wincing in pain.

"Probably at home with your son and being worried about you. You gave her quite the scare when you fainted like that." Aria said, walking over to him with a mug. "Drink this dear."

As Dagur was drinking the weird tasting liquid, he heard the door of the infirmary open and saw his wife walk in with their son in her arms.

"You're okay!" Kari cried, hurrying over to him. "You had me worried!"

"Relax I've been struck by lightning, got a knife stuck in my leg, took on a titan sized dragon, this is just small potatoes." Dagur said, sitting up to greet his wife. "Did Killer miss me?"

"Of course he did." Kari handed him the squirming baby who settled down as soon as he was in his father's arms.

"Hey buddy, missed daddy didn't you?" Dagur asked as his son cooed happily and tugged at his mouth with his tiny fingers. "Yes I missed you too my little warrior, daddy missed you too."

"Kari, may I speak to you for a moment?" Aria asked, tugging on the sleeve of Kari's tunic.

"Of course, what is it?" She asked as they both walked to the back where the herbs and other medical supplies were kept.

"Have you noticed anything strange about the girl Heather?" Aria asked.

"No I haven't really, why?" Kari asked feeling a bit worried.

"Look at the painting of Rosalind that hangs beside the painting of Oswald, then compare the painting to your friend's features."

"Kari he's pulling at my hair and won't le- OWWW KILLER!!!"

Both women bolted out of the room to see Stoick giggling and waving a chunk of red hair in his little hands as Dagur pressed his hand to his head and giving the baby a dirty look.

"What did he do now?" Aria asked.

"Pulled my hair out!" Dagur yelled, prying his son's hand open and taking the hair from him. "Look how much he yanked out!"

"I pulled out more when I was his age." Kari scoffed and took Stoick from his father. "Don't be such a baby Dagur."

"He has a death grip I tell you! A death grip!"

"I thought you wanted your son to be a killer and have that sort of grip."

"Not if it's my neck or hair he has a death grip on!"

"Alright you need to go, he's going to hurt himself." Aria said waving her staff at Kari. "Time to go."

"We'll come back later." Kari said before walking out the door.


"Hmm.....she does look like him..." Kari said as she examined the painting.

The painting was of Rosalind sitting down next to a fawn and stroking it's spotted fur. The shape of her face and nose looked very similar to Heather's as did the green eyes that were just like Dagur's.

"Now why would Aria want me to compare this painting to Heather?" She muttered as the door of the hut swung open.

"Chieftess! There's a Rouge dragon stealing the sheep!" A villager yelled almost falling on his face.

"And what dragon is this?" She asked looking startled.

"I don't know but it spits some sort of sticky stuff that hardens instantly!"

Kari cursed loudly and grabbed an axe off the wall.

"Get someone to keep an eye on my son, I have a dragon to deal with."

She ran out with Elysia and Striker towards the sheep farms where she saw a large golden dragon with butterfly wings. Kari had to admit it was a beautiful creature but she had no time to admire it.

"Hey over here!" She yelled, flinging a stone that bounced off it's spikes.

<Who dares attack me?> The dragon screeched swiveling it's head around to look for it's attacker.

"Striker blast it just enough to paralyze it." Kari whispered. "Elysia send another blast at it when Striker hits the dragon."

Striker leapt up and blasted a bolt of electricity at golden dragon that hit it square in the chest and Elysia did the same. The dragon gave a loud screech and fell over, unable to move. The villagers who were watching and waiting to see what their chieftess would do cheered loudly.

Kari walked over to the lump of golden rock that had three sheep sticking out of it and braying loudly in fear. She knocked on it and tapped her axe against the rock to see if it was breakable. Oddly enough it didn't even crack or chip off even when Striker gnawed on it.

"What is this stuff?" She heard Heather asked.

"I don't know but it's gonna be tough to crack these sheep out." Kari said knocking her fist against the rock again. "Better muzzle this dragon and lock it up and send word to my brother, he has to see this."

"I'll write it." Heather offered.

"Hang on, hold still." Kari said taking a few steps back and studying Heather's face. "Okay that is just creepy, really creepy."

"What is?" Heather asked making a face.

"Nothing. Come on let's get this dragon to the arena." Kari said quickly.

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