Leaving Home

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"Do you have to go?" Bella asked Kari as the two were packing Kari's clothes into a trunk. "I know you two are getting married in two months but do you have to go now?"

"I'm going now because I need to get used to living among the Berserkers." Kari explained. "And Dagur is going to be lecturing me on their ways on the trip over there so I can know their traditions."

"I heard one tradition they have is that the woman has to sleep in her soon-to-be husband's bed but they're not allowed to do 'it'." Astrid said walking into the room with Ruffnut. "But it's just something I've heard so I'm not sure."

"I heard that when the chief's wife is pregnant she has to eat the heart of a dragon so the baby in her womb can be strong and so it can be a boy." Ruffnut said picking up a dress and folding it up.

"Ewww that's gross." Kari said covering her mouth.

"I just heard about that it's probably just a myth or a very old tradition they've gotten rid of ages ago." Ruffnut said with a shrug before putting the dress into the trunk.

"I hope it's a myth." Bella said making a face.

"Kari it's time." Hiccup said sticking his head into the room.

Kari looked around the room that would soon no longer be hers. She bent over to pick up o e of her trunks and Bella grabbed the other end of it to help her. Ruffnut and Astrid grabbed the other trunks and the four girls followed Hiccup out of the house.

"Do you have your flight suit?" Hiccup asked his sister.

"Yeah I do, it's in my trunk." Kari replied quietly. "I've also got the rest of my clothes, two or three dresses mom insisted I bring when visiting chiefs come, some books, three pairs of boots, and my journal and dragon manual."

"Betcha got some dragon nip in it too for Striker." Ruffnut joked.

"Just his saddle." Kari said as they reached the bottom of the steps to where Tuffnut, Snotlout, Fishlegs and Eret were waiting with a group of kids from the academy. "And what's this?"

"Do you have to go?" One little girl asked.

"I do have to go but I promise I will come back when Dagur has to go and sign the treaty with Hiccup." Kari said as she and Bella let Snotlout take their trunk. "Besides I'm sure there are some more kids on his island that need a teacher as well."

"Please don't go!" The girl cried and hugged Kari's leg.

"Kiki, I have to." Kari said bending down to unclasp the child's hands from her leg. "But I will be back soon."

"Kari! He's here already!" Fishlegs said pointing to the ocean. Kari grimaced and called for Striker.

Once she had said good bye to everyone she and Hiccup had taken her trunks and flew off to greet the boat that would take her to her new home.

"Remember you can always come back and visit whenever you want." Hiccup said as they got closer.

"If I do be sure to kick me off the island because I'd probably would not wanna leave." Kari said giving her brother a small smile.

They landed on the boat where Dagur and some guards were waiting.

"Ready for the journey to your new home?" Dagur asked Kari as she took her trunk from her brother.

"Yeah sort of." Kari said dropping the trunk on the floor. "Just had a hard time saying good bye to some friends."

"Good luck." Hiccup said giving his sister a quick hug before climbing back onto Toothless who gave her a sad look. "We'll see you in two months."

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