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"You want to what?!" Renitia shrieked, causing Dagur, Heather and Bludgeon to cover their ears as she started ranting in a loud tone that made even a Screaming Death's roar sound quiet.

"Are you done yet?" Dagur asked calmly as he unplugged his ears when he saw his cousin's mouth stop moving.

"No, but I want to hear what you are planning to do, EXACTLY."

"Well what I'm going to do is use a tracking dragon to follow my wife's scent-"

"Or we could go to Berk and ask if they had seen her or heard anything about her." Bludgeon suggested.

"Or you could all turn around and greet her properly." The three turned around to see Kari behind them with Stoick asleep in his sling and her two dragons sitting behind her.

"OH MY GODS KARI!" Renitia screamed, flinging her arms around her cousin. Stock suddenly began to cry and she instantly released Kari.

"Shhhh it's okay little one, your auntie was just very happy to see you." Dagur said plucking his son out of the sling and bouncing him softly. Stoick's crying ceased and Dagur smiled. "Hey boyo, did ya miss daddy?"

"He missed you as much as I did." Kari said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "And from what I am hearing is that you could barely get out of bed when I was gone."

"We were the ones who practically dragged him out of the bed till he barricaded himself in his room." Bludgeon said lightly whacking Dagur on the back of the head.

"No one let me mourn in peace." Dagur grumbled.

"It hurt me just as much as it hurt you, but I was more productive about it." Kari said rolling her eyes. "Otherwise Stoick would have starved and gotten a diaper rash, my dragons would have flown away because they felt neglected and Drago's men would have captured me as well."

"Drago was looking for you?" Heather gasped.

"Yes he was but Eret found me and brought me to Berk and let me stay with him. He really has moved on quite well." Kari said with a nod and smiled. "He even went as far as adopting a little boy named Tormund who called me his mama and Stoick his little brother."

"That's cute." Heather said with a smile.

"He was so sad when I said I had to leave, he practically hugged my legs and refused to let go till Eret pried him off to let me fly off." Kari said and her smile faltered. " broke my heart to leave that poor kid. He really liked me and Stoick very much but he understood that I had a husband who needed me."

"Six girls tried to get him to marry them." Reunite said making a face. "They were soooooo annoying!"

"Another reason why I had barricaded myself in my home." Dagur muttered and looked down at Stoick. "If i was forced to marry again, I don't think i'd love the child as much as I love Stoick and I would not have loved it's mother the same was I loved Kari."

"Well I'm back so everything can be normal." Kari said giving him a smile.

"Just warn us next time you have your cycle so we don't repeat what happened last time." Bludgeon said giving her a pat on the shoulder. "And most of your hair is blue by the way, just warning ya."

"Oh it gets like that a week before my cycle comes." Kari said running a hand through her messy brown hair with blue strands. "I have a week to figure out what to do so i don't destroy the village. Has anyone seen Eleanor?"

"She disappeared after you left." Dagur said shaking his head sadly. "We thought she followed you."

"Did you find any notes or any evidence to why she left?" Kari asked feeling worried for her cousin-in-law.

"No...she was just gone just like that." Bludgeon said snapping his fingers. "Poof! Vanished with her dragon, took nothing with her."

"Can any of you keep this a secret?" Kari asked glancing around. The three Vikings nodded and she beckoned them to follow her. As they walked towards the chief's house, Kari told them about how she knew who were werdragons and who were humans and how Eleanor was one.

"So she left because she didn't want to be caught?" Renitia asked as they reached the house. "Seems possible."

"It seems so, but I don't know her cycle period so well. Or she was on it and flew off with Crimson to not let anyone know about it." Kari said with a nod as she opened the door.

"Come one, let's get back home." Renitia said shoving Bludgeon out of the house and followed him.

"I'll go take your dragons in, they must be tired and hungry." Heather said following them out and closing the door behind her, leaving the three of them alone.

"It feels so good to have you back home." Dagur said turning to his wife with a smile.

"You'd have to be crazy to think I wouldn't come back. Couldn't risk letting one of those women try and take you from me while our marriage was unbroken, otherwise you would have been cheating on me or having anaphor while I was gone." Kari said taking Stoick from him and made her way to the stairs. "How long have they been waiting?"

"To be honest I have no idea, I'm not the most attractive man on this side of the islands." Dagur chuckled as he followed her up the stairs. "Bettie I had been the one to leave you'd have men swarming you like ants."

"Very unlikely." Kari chuckled as she opened the door to Stoick's nursery. "But here I am in my rightful place."

"But you never know. And by the way, this one daughter of a rich chief is suppose to come tomorrow in hopes of marrying me." Dagur said as Kari placed Soick inside his cradle.

"Well then, guess she's gonna have a little surprise now huh?" Kari said looking back at him with a smirk. "And I have something devious in mind."

"It feels so good to have you back." Dagur said returning the smirk. "We have so much to catch up on."

"And where shall we start my dear husband?"

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