New Dragon Trainers

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Kari awoke to someone gently kissing her forehead and pushing her hair from her face.

"Good morning." A familiar voice said softly and kissed her cheek.

"You're back early." Kari chucked, rolling over to see her fiancé sitting on his side of the bed.

"Elysia made me come back early." Dagur chuckled as Kari threw the covers off and climbed out of the bed. "And I see Eleanor decided to stay here for the night."

"Poor girl didn't want me to leave her alone." Kari replied with a shrug. "And since her dad works under you and goes everywhere with you I said she could stay with me so she won't be alone at home."

"You and my cousin seem to have hit it off pretty good." Dagur said as Kari dressed herself.

"Oh we have a little connection, I'm still trying to get on well with your other cousins." Kari said as she adjusted her fur hood. "Anyways, I'm taking Eleanor to the woods for a little training after breakfast. We'll be back by lunch time and we're taking the dragons with us."

"Actually I need your help." Dagur said shaking his head. "We have some dragons in our killing arena that need someone to teach them a lesson. I don't want anyone hurting them but I figured you with your magic touch with dragons can help them."

"I have no magic touch." Kari scoffed. "What I do is what even our young dragon riders can do. But if you need someone to get those dragons back in line or tame them before some idiot decides to kill them, then I'm your girl for the job."

"So you'll do it?" Dagur asked.

"I'm not gonna do it, I just need a few kids for this."


"Alright welcome to dragon training 101, Berk style." Kari said, leading a group of Berserk teens into the arena. "Today I am gonna teach you all on the art of dragon training, not killing."

"Uh Eleanor has already trained her own dragon so is she disqualified?" One boy with a large nose ring asked.

"Nope she is not, she will be learning with you all on this." Kari said leading the kids to the cages. "In here are some of the common species you'll see usually in dragon raids."

"Are you saying that instead of killing a dragon during a raid, we'll train it instead?" A girl with numerous snake tattoos covering one arm asked.

"That's right kiddo, this is how we trained young Vikings on Berk. When I was a kid, we were trained to kill them before my brother changed it all." Kari said as she stood in front of one cage. "In here is the Monstrous Nightmare, the one to the right to it is a Hideous Zippleback, Deadly Nadder to the left of the Monstrous Nightmare and a Gronckle next to the Nadder."

"Wait a second, you are gonna leave five teenagers alone in an arena with aggressive dragons?" Eleanor asked as Kari walked out of the arena and stood next to Bludgeon and Renitia near one of the switches that would release the dragons.

"Well then I hope you are fast learners. Dagur gave her permission to do this and she insisted that you five learn to tame them. You have less than three months to train a dragon before their wedding." Renitia said in a bored tone.

"Three months?!" All five of them yelled.

"Best of luck!" Bludgeon yelled, yanking on the lever and opening the door to the Gronckle cage.

All five of the teens scattered in different directions as two Gronckles came flying out, a green one who was looking around excitedly and a purple one who was roaring aggressively.

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