The Thought of Children

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"Wake up sweetie pie! Breakfast time!" Dagur heard Kari yell as the doors to the barn were kicked open.

"Please don't call me that." Dagur groaned, covering his face to shield his eyes from the bright morning sun. "In fact don't ever call me that."

"Morning cousin!" Renitia called cheerfully, appearing behind Kari. "How'd you sleep last night?"

"How drunk was I exactly?" Dagur asked clutching his forehead.

"Well you were drunk enough to say you couldn't wait to make babies with her." Renitia said, jerking her thumb at Kari, who threw some hay at her.

"Hush now before I get the rake." Kari said looking flustered.

"Kari! Kari! Let's go flying!" Eleanor yelled, running into the barn and tackling Kari from the side.

"Everybody shut up!" Dagur yelled at the top of his lungs. "My head hurts and your screaming is not helping!"

"That's what you get for having a drinking contest with your cousin last night." Kari scolded, bending over to help him up. "Your aunt asked someone to fill in for you since you aren't gonna be any help today around the village. I made you some breakfast, which is inside, so eat it before it gets cold."

"Huh someone is turning into a housewife already." Renitia joked.

"Being the only woman in my house made me feel as if I had to be the responsible one to do most of the chores." Kari said giving her a look.

"What did you do?" Eleanor asked.

"Laundry, most of the cooking and sweeping the rooms. My brother would do the dishes and help me clean up the house." Kari explained. "Now let's get this chief some breakfast and get you to bed to fix that hangover shall we?"

"Sounds perfect." Dagur said letting her help him up and leaned on her a bit and onto Renitia.

"Can we go riding today?" Eleanor asked asked following the three adults into the house. "Please? I promise I won't let another accident happen again Dagur!"

"Not sure how many people Striker can carry, but you're small enough to sit in front of me-"

"Oh I have my own dragon, I don't need anyone to give me a ride." Eleanor said pointing to the woods outside of the house. "In fact she prefers to live in the woods than with me in the village. Guess the villagers scare her."

"What kind of dragon is she?" Kari asked, seating Dagur in a chair and placing a plate of warm eggs with boar sausages in front of him.

"Not sure what she is even called but she is awesome! The spikes on her tail are sharp enough to cut through trees, she sprays this acid that can melt the flesh of a human from a hundred feet and is faster than a Nadder!"

"Sounds like you have a mix of a Night Fury, Changewing, Timberjack and a Speed Stinger in one dragon." Kari said sticking a fork into one of the sausages and sticking it into Dagur's mouth.

"I still need to come up with a name for her species." Eleanor said snatching a sausage off Dagur's plate.

"Hey get your own plate if you're so hungry!" Dagur scolded his cousin, and bit into the sausage Kari had stuffed into his mouth earlier.

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