A Stolen First Kiss

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"Gotcha!" Dagur yelled as he tackled Kari to the floor.

"Get off of me you stupid ox!" Kari yelled as she tried pushing the teen off her. "If you try anything I'll-"

"You'll what?" Dagur asked mockingly.

"I'll tell my father and he will make sure there is no wedding alliance between us!" Kari spat. Dagur released her wrists and got off of her, letting Kari scramble to her feet and brace herself against the side of a hut.

"Geez I was just playing Kari." He said looking cross.

"Well I didn't want to play that game you were playing." Kari said and looked down at the dress she was wearing. "Great now it's all dirty!"

"Are you on your woman's thing? Is that why you're cranky?" Dagur asked.

Kari shot him a glare and shook her head before walking off. Dagur followed her and when he caught up with Kari, he reached forward and grabbed her hand. Kari looked down at his hand and looked back up at Dagur in surprise.

"What? We are suppose to be married in a few years." Dagur said holding up their combined hands.

Since she had turned thirteen and Dagur had turned fifteen, Stoick and Oswald had announced that they would be married in a few years. Normally as soon as she had begun to bleed, Stoick and Oswald would have already been planning their wedding, but the two chiefs decided to wait till their children were a little older. Mainly because Oswald wanted Dagur's deranged energy to drain down, but it only seemed to be getting stronger.

"Yes! My favorite hill!" Kari cheered when they reached the top of a hill that stood over a large field of grass, normally used to let sheep and yaks graze.

"Why is it your favorite hill?" Dagur asked.

Kari released Dagur's hand, kicked off her flats and turned a cartwheel, causing her to tumble down the hill and laughing and whooping.

"Kari!" Dagur shrieked, grabbing her shoes and running after her. But he suddenly tripped over his own feet and fell down rolling.

He kept rolling till he hit something that gave a yell and they both rolled to a stop. Dagur opened his eyes to see Kari pinned under him with her eyes squeezed shut. She opened one eye but didn't say anything when she saw him.

"So this is why it's your favorite hill?" Dagur asked sheepishly, feeling his cheeks grow warm. Kari gave a small nod.

Then he leaned down and pressed his lips against her own. He heard Kari make a noise and he pulled away quickly. Her green eyes were wide in shock and he felt himself grin.

"Been wanting to do that for a long time." He said getting off of Kari and sitting back on his knees.

"How long?" Kari asked.

"Since I was ten, been holding it in for five years." Dagur said, feeling sort of proud.

"Y-you kissed me!" Kari shrieked, jumping to her feet.

"You just noticed that?an you're dense."


"And what happened to you now?" Oswald asked Dagur as he examined the forming black eye Dagur had.

"Kari punched me." Dagur replied in a calm tone. "After I kissed her on the lips."

"Well normally I would congratulate you on having your first kiss but let me tell you something son." Oswald said, placing a block of ice on Dagur's swelling eye. "Don't try that again, unless you want to have numerous bruises on your face till your wedding day. Keep that up and she probably will try to avoid your wedding all together."

"She'll learn to like me." Dagur replied with a shrug. "Just watch, one of these days I'll be able to win her over with no problem."


"....agur? Please wake up!" Dagur opened his eyes to see his wife standing next to his cot with a concerned look in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked, not bothering to sit up. His chest had been hurting him more now so it was painful to even sit up to drink or eat.

"There was this large dragon that spat amber and it was trying to steal some sheep." Kari explained. "We managed to catch it and have it locked in the arena. I sent word to my brother to come to see this dragon so we can-"

"Kari." She suddenly went quiet as Dagur managed to sit up and take her hand.

"Yes?" She asked, looking at him with an uneasy look.

"I'm not sorry for stealing that kiss from you when you were thirteen." Dagur said before laying back down on his cot.

"You old rascal." Kari chuckled, bending down and kissing her husband on the lips. "I suppose you're not sorry from kissing me all those other times even after our tribes became enemies."

"That made them even sweeter." Dagur said with a grin.

How I imagine thirteen year old Kari. If picture doesn't show up, look up young queen Eleanor from Brave

 If picture doesn't show up, look up young queen Eleanor from Brave

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