Gratitude For Little Things

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Kari let out a deep sigh as she sunk into the warm water.

"Gods that feels good." She said letting her hair hang out of the tub, closed her eyes and leaned back.

It had been four days since Stoick had been born and she still felt sore from the birth. Only soaking in the warm water relieved her of the pain.

"Feeling okay?" Kari opened one eye to see her husband standing at the foot of the tub with some towels and wearing a baggy red tunic and some loose fitting trousers.

"Yes I'm feeling fine, thanks for asking." She replied, closing her eyes again and leaning her head back again. "How's Stoick?"

"I put him to sleep." Dagur said placing the towels off to the side and sat down next to the tub. "Gods I haven't slept well because he keeps waking us up in the middle of the night."

"Told you it wasn't gonna be easy." Kari said. "Be grateful we don't have twins or triplets."

"I respect both your parents for having to raise three kids without each other." Dagur sighed, leaning against the tub and placed his head on Kari's shoulder. "I sorta missed it when it was just us."

"Then you shouldn't have tackled me onto the bed and said 'let's have a little fun Kari!' then we wouldn't have Stoick sleeping in the next room."

"Okay okay you have a good point but don't pin this on me."

"Let's just be thankful that we have a beautiful and healthy baby boy." Kari said sitting up and reaching for one of the towels."You're right." Dagur said grabbing the towel for his wife and helped her stand and wrapped the towel around her. "Still feeling sore?"

"In places I didn't think I could be sore in." Kari said wincing. "Can we not have another baby for the next few years?"

"Until Killer asks for a sibling we won't have anymore kids." Dagur said nodding in agreement and grabbed another towel. "Now go, I want to take my bath."

Kari chuckled softly and walked out of the washroom and entered the bedroom. She walked over to the cradle to see Stoick asleep just as Dagur said and stroked her son's cheek. He gave a small sigh andshifted a bit but didn't wake up.

She was just about to grab some clean undergarments to put on when she heard Dagur give a loud scream and watersplash.

"HOLY CRAP THERE IS SOMETHING IN THE TUB!" Shd heard Dagur screamed from the washroom. Stoick's little green eyes snapped open and he started bawling very loudly.

"You woke up the baby!" Kari yelled, storming back into the washroom with her eyes squeezed shut.

"It's in there! In there kill it!" She heard Dagur yell.

"Are you covered? Because I am not opening my eyes!"

"I don't see you complaining when I seeyou naked! Why are you making a big deal of me being undressed?"

"Just get a towel on!" Kari yelled back, fumbling for the towels. She managed to find one and flung it at her husband. "Please just get that thing on!"

"Geez fine!" She heard Dagur mutter. "Okay done, happy?"

"Yes, now what did you find in that tub that made you scream like a woman?" Kari asked, finally opening her eyes and looking at the tub.

"Ah it's gone, I think I scared it off." Dagur said walking over to the tub and swishing his arm inside. "Yep, nothing there."

"I wouldn't be surprised if there was nothing even there in the first place." Kari groaned.

"There was, you were just too late." Dagur said with a shrug. "Come on let's check on Killer, I hear him crying."

"No thanks to you." Kari muttered, following her husband out of the room. "And you better clean that mess up before either of us slips."

"Later, I wanna see my little boy right now." Dagur said, bending over the cradle to pull out a crying Stoick. "Shhhh it's okay, daddy is okay little one, no need to cry."

Stoick's cries softened and he looked up at his father with his bright green eyes.

"Huh, last time I tried to calm him down, he wouldn't stay quiet till I stuck my finger in his mouth." Kari said taking her son into her arms and cradled him to her chest.

"Magic touch, I have a way with babies." Dagur chuckled, holding his hands up and waving them. "And it works on dragons too, surprisingly."

"I bet it does." Kari said as she gently bounce Stoick to sleep.

Dagur watched as his son fell back asleep in his wife's arms. She carefully placed him back into his cradle and pulled his blankets up to his chin and kissed his tiny forehead.

"Good morning my little dragon rider." She whispered softly before turning to Dagur. "Why are you starting at me like that?"

"Oh I couldn't help but be surprised of how much of a dotting mother you are turning into." Dagur chuckled. "My sweet, beautiful and violent wife has actually become a mother. Six years ago you would have been horrified by the thought of us creating a child."

"Believe me, I was horrified by the mere thought of kissing you." Kari said as she grabbed her nightgown and pulled it on before removing her towel.

"You were on my mind every day, and every day I waited for the day you would become my wife." Dagur said pulling on the worn tunic and baggy trousers he had on earlier. "And now that day has come for us both."

"I dreaded it for years, but that was when you were more deranged." Kari said, sitting down on her side of the bed and slipping under the covers.

"If you got to know me better then, you would have seen I was as not as deranged as I claimed I was." Dagur said climbing under the covers.

"Well I'm glad I married you at the age our father's agreed on." Kari said scooting over to him and snuggled up under his chin. "And I like this Dagur than Dagur the Deranged."

"I have to come up with a new title for myself." Dagur said, wrapping his arms around his wife and kissed her head. "Because I'm not as deranged as I used to be."

How about Dagur the Less Deranged?" Kari suggested and Dagur laughed.

"Dagur the Sane? Dagur the Best Father/Husband of the World?" Dagur suggested, poking his wife's ribs and making her giggle.

"We'll think of something." Kari promised. "Now get some sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow to visit my family for the tour."

"Good idea. Sleep first, name changing later. Busy day tomorrow."

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