An Unexpected Visitor

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~Two Weeks Later~

Dagur watched his wife nurse little Stoick from the doorway of the bedroom. He couldn't take his eyes off the little red haired baby that was making loud suckling noises as his mother hummed softly and gently rocked him.

"Can you believe that we're finally parents?" He asked, sitting down next to his wife as she pulled Stoick away from her chest to stop feeding him.

"It's hard to, but here he is. Such a beautiful child." Kari said adjusting her night gown and handing Stoick to his father.

"He looks just like you." Dagur chuckled as Stoick made a little babbling noises and yawned. "And someone is ready for bed already." He said placing his son's head on his shoulder and patted his back softly. After Stoick had burped, Dagur put him inside his cradle as his mother gently sang a lullaby that started t make him feel tired as well. 

"Another hard day is done." Kari yawned as she and Dagur laid down on the bed. She crawled over to him and rested her head under her husband's chin and felt him wrap an arm around her waist. She watched as Dagur reached towards the cradle that was next to his side of the bed with his free and began to gently rock it.

"Another day is gone, and another one shall come." he said kissing the top of her head. "Let's sleep in tomorrow, I asked my uncle to fill in for me. We could go on a little picnic with the baby and have some time to ourselves with no one to disturb us."

"That'd be nice." Kari said before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

As the three slept, none heard the sound of a dragon landing on the roof of their home. A dark figure leapt off their dragon and nimble as a cat the slid down the roof and dropped near the window where the chief slept. They opened it and crawled in carefully to not disturb the three occupants who were asleep.

They saw the chief of the Berserkers asleep with his mouth slightly open and snoring softly as a woman with dark hair slept on top of him with her bangs covering her face and her head under his chin as the chief's arm was draped over her hips. They peered into the cradle to see a tiny baby boy with red hair sleeping soundly, his little bare chest rising and falling gently.

"I'm sorry, but your father has to pay for what he has done to me." a muffled woman's voice from the dark visitor said to the baby. They turned around to face the bed of the chief when something knocked them and the cradle to the floor.

"DON'T YOU DARE HURT MY HUSBAND!" the woman who was sleeping in the bed earlier screamed as she slammed her fists down on the intruder.

"HE HAS TO PAY FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE!" The intruder yelled trying to fend themselves and kicked at the and their foot hit her in the ribs. "WINDSHEAR!"

"Kari!" Dagur yelled, jumping out of the bed but jumped back when a large silver tail came in through the window and slashed at him. "OH SH-"


Dagur heard the sound of dragons fighting outside of the hut and turned his attention to the fallen cradle that was besides his wife who had the intruder in a headlock. He could hear bawling and crying and saw a small lump under the blue blanket kicking and screaming loudly.

"Who are you?" Kari yelled as the intruder tried to pry her arms off their neck. "Tell me or I'll crush your neck!"

"You wouldn't hurt an old friend and fellow dragon rider would you?" The intruder gasped as she tried to free herself.

"I have no other friends who ride dragons like yours, and whoever you are, you are going to pay dearly for attempted murder!" Kari said not releasing her hold.

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