Some Alone Time

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"You sure it was a good idea to leave him with Angelina? I'm getting worried now." Kari said before Dagur stuffed a grape into her mouth.

"Killer will be fine, just relax instead of fretting." Dagur said dropping a grape into his own mouth. "Besides, we never spend time alone anymore like we used to."

"We have our reasons, chiefing and motherhood."

Dagur had to admit she was right. Chief duties had started to take up most of his time especially after getting married since the news of Drago Bludvist. And usually Kari would help around the village and helping him out as well until signs of her pregnancy began to show and even after the baby was born she wasn't able to help out as much.

"You know out of all the years I've known you, I'd never expected us to end up like this. Married and having a kid." Dagur said sitting up and laying down on Kari's legs.

"I never thought I'd even like you or be doing any of this with you." Kari agreed. "If my fifteen year old self was to see how I am she'd be furious and wonder if I went mad."

"My seventeen year old self would have been begging to know how I got you to even kiss me back." Dagur chuckled at the thought. "Do you still have that engagement gift I gave you seven years ago?" Kari smiled and nodded. The memory of that day was still fresh in her mind.

"It's in my jewelry box, you should have seen my father and brother's face when they saw it. Dad wanted to fling it out into the ocean but Hiccup said that would be a bad idea to do so." Kari said and chuckled. "Remember that day you gave it to me?"

"Who could forget that day?" Dagur asked with a chuckle.

~Flashback: two weeks after A View To A Skrill Part 2~

"Chief Dagur wants to see you." A blurry Berserker guard announced as he opened the door to Kari's cell. She dropped the small stone she had been running over the hard stone floor and got to her feet.

"What does he want from me?" She asked folding her arms over her chest but didn't walk out.

"Don't know, don't care, but he says it's very important." The guard said walking in and dragging her out. "Doubt he'll have any mercy on you since you're not his sweetheart anymore."

"I'd rather be dead than be his sweetheart." Kari muttered as she was walked out of the dungeons.

The guard walked her through the island and down to the docks where the Berserker armada was docked and onto Dagur's ship. Once on, he lead her below the decks and stopped at the commanders quarters.

"You be on your best behavior now." He said opening the door and shoving her through it and shut it.

"Crap..." Kari muttered when she heard the door lock.

The interior of the room consisted of a large pile of furs and some cushions in one corner to act as a bed, two large chests, a crude drawing of Hiccup with holes in it that was stuck to the wall with a throwing knife and a large desk with Dagur reclining in the chair behind it with his feet up.

"Ah Kari, it's good to see you again after these two weeks. I'm sure you know why you are here?" Dagur greeted her as he took his feet off the desk and sat forward. He motioned for her to come forward.

"What do you want from me Dagur, why am I even here?" She asked making a face and not moving. "Are you holding me hostage?"

"Hostage? No you're not a hostage, you are a guest." Dagur said shaking his head and standing up from his seat.

"Why did you bring me here then?" Kari pressed.

Dagur smirked and walked away from the desk and stood in front of her.

"Why to be my queen of course, why else?" He answered with a dark chuckle and touched her cheek. "In fact I have a little something for you."

"I don't want it." Kari said turning her head away. "I will never marry you, even if you were the last man left of this side of the Archipelago."

"Too bad because you are going to get it, perhaps it will change get your mind." Kari felt him draped something around her neck and felt cold metal touching her bare skin. She looked down at her chest to find what looked like a set of bronze dragon teeth on a chain of gold.

"Uh I think this is broken." Kari said pointing to the necklace.

"You can wear it in two different ways, like this." Dagur took the two teeth and began to twist them around each other by the chain until it looked like one tooth dangling from her neck.

" Dagur took the two teeth and began to twist them around each other by the chain until it looked like one tooth dangling from her neck

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"Where did you get this?" Kari asked, examining the necklace carefully.

"It's been in my family for six generations. Every first born son gives this to the woman he is planning on marrying, and she is to wear it until she dies or decides to give it to her grandson to pass it on to his wife." Dagur explained and touched the tooth gingerly. "And now I give it to you, we shall be married in three days."

"Three days?" Kari scoffed. "By then my brother would have shown up and I'd be back home in one day. You'll never make me your wife."

"What makes you think you won't be?" Dagur asked and Kari felt the necklace tighten around her neck. "Maybe I should speed things up and marry you today."

"My brother will stop you!"Kari said yanking his hand off the necklace to breathe again. "He always will and nothing will stop him."

~End of Flashback~

"And yet here we are seven years later sitting on this hill and parents to a sweet little Viking." Dagur chuckled. "I probably would have been able to have tolerated you back then."

"You were so lovestruck that you couldn't stay mad at me." Kari said and picked up another grape. "And when you said you couldn't stop thinking about me on Dragon Island what did you mean about that?"

"I couldn't stop thinking about you obviously." Dagur replied and sat up. "I guess I was too in love with you even after we became enemies."

"And you kidnapped me so many times to make me marry you, yet I'd always kick you between the legs before you could even kiss me and run away and hide."

"That first time I kidnapped you, I did end up kissing you and you kissed me back." Dagur said and smirked. "You couldn't resist me back then."

Kari rolled her eyes and popped the grave into her mouth.

"I've been thinking lately, maybe in a few months it would be time to give Killer a brother or sister." Dagur said watching Shattermaster as he and Azure were playing tug-of-war with a tree Azure had uprooted earlier. "And it's getting close to Snoggletog for the dragons to find mates and have some hatchlings."

"Well I'd like to wait maybe a year or two before wanting to have another baby, I barely made it through with Stoick." Kari said as she fiddled with her braid.

"Alright then, we wait for a year and a half before trying again to have another baby, hopefully then you would best strong enough for the birth." Dagur said and stood up. "I think we should head back to the village now, it's getting pretty late and we've practically finished all the food anyways."

"Good idea." Kari chuckled, allowing her husband to pull her up to her feet. "Although we better take a quick bath and change, we're covered in grass and smell like dragons."

"I'm fine with this smell, beats the one I was smelling like earlier." Dagur chuckled and kissed her forehead and pressed his against it. "This was the best birthday I've had in twenty-four years. And i hope the other ones are just as pleasant as this one."

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