Trumpet Extraordinnare

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Josh and Tyler sit on the couch as Bella changes. 

"She's cute, you know?" Tyler says. 

"Lay off my girl, homie." Josh laughs. 

"You seem a lot happier." Tyler says. 

"I am." 


Later that night, they stop at an arena for a show. They unload and set up. Josh tunes his trumpet as Bella sits in front of him. "That's super flat." She says. "Push that slide in some more." 

"How do you know that?" Josh puts down the trumpet. 

"I  used to play in high school. I also play ukelele, trombone, and piano."She says. 

"That's cool as heck." Josh says. 


The show continues as normal, but Bella is back stage watching. Her heart skips a beat when Josh looks her way. 

During the middle of the set, Josh picks up his trumpet to see that the middle valve. He freaks out knowing he can't fix it. He looks at Bella and shows her. She nods. He waves her on stage, then flags Tyler. Tyler stops the next song from playing, and introduces Bella. 

"Okay guys, I'm sure you've all seen the hashtag 'Jella' floating around. I am here to introduce the lady herself, Bella. Let me hear you scream if she's pretty." Tyler says over the microphone.

The crowd roars as Bella walks on stage. Josh yells that the top of his lungs. Bella grabs the trumpet and plops on the stage floor. She takes out the valve and realigns it. "Valve oil?" She yells. 

Josh runs off stage and brings her a bottle of valve oil. She screws the valve back on and hands it to Josh. 

He plays a few notes. "Thank you baby." He says. 

"BELLA, THE TRUMPET EXTRAORDINAIRE." Tyler says on the mic. 

Bella stands back up, blushing. "Anything else broken?" She laughs. 

"My ukelele could use a tune." Tyler winks, holding it out to her. 

She starts tuning it, not realizing at first that is it amplified. She tunes it as best as she can, and plays a few notes. 

"Play Can't Help Falling in Love!" The crowd screams. 

Bella's eyes widen. "I don't know..." She says to Tyler. 

"C, E major, A major, F, C, G. " He says. 

She plays the first line, Tyler and the crowd singing. 

Josh smiles, grabbing his phone and making a vine. 

"F, G, A major, F, C, G7" 

She continues to play. She starts to get into the song. 

"E major, B7, E major, B7."

They finish the song, and Josh hugs Bella. "That was great." 

He takes her face into his hands and kisses her. 

The crowd goes insane. 

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