En Route

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Josh drove onto the interstate. "Five hours, you know." He says to Bella. 

"It'll go by quickly. The boy I love is sitting next to me." She says. 

Josh smiles, turning up the radio. Conveniently, "Stressed Out" was playing. "It feels like I can't escape." He laughs. 

"That's about how it goes." Bella laughs. "I love it though." 

Josh takes Bella's hand and kisses it. "I've never been this happy." 

"I never that happiness this great could exist." Bella replied. 

Josh's phone started ringing. He went to pick it up. "You best not, boy." Bella says, grabbing it. "It's Tyler. Should I answer?" 

Josh nods. 

"This is the phone of Joshua Dun, Bella speaking. How can I help you?"

"Hello, ma'am. This is one Tyler Robert Joseph and I was wondering if you could give me any information as to when my best friend is coming home?" 

"Yes, sir. He is currently en route to Columbus, Ohio. Approximately 4 and a half hours from this moment."

"Ah! Wonderful.  Can you let Mr. Dun know that I called?"

"Of course, sir. Only for you."

Tyler laughed. "Thanks, Bella. See you guys later."

"See ya." Bella laughed, hanging up.

"That was a beautiful conversation." Josh said.

"Like your face." Bella laughs


It was about 11 pm when they finally pulled up to Josh's house. They only took in the necessities. Josh opened the door.

"Welcome home." He says, smiling wide.

Bella looks around at the large house. "Wow."

Josh wraps his hands around her waist and pulls her into a kiss. "We're officially a family."

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