Stole Ya Boi

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Hey! Thanks for reading my story. I hope you like it. Please let me know if you're reading and have any suggestions. 

Josh and Bella stayed in bed for a while. 

"Tyler just tweeted that he misses his best friend." Bella said. 

"Aww. That's cute." Josh said 

"I'm gonna say I miss him too." She laughed.

Josh laughed. He turned onto his side, facing Bella. He tweeted "Love is great". 

Bella looked up at him. "It is." She said. 

"How'd you find it that fast?" He laughed. 

"I get tweet notifications." She said. 

Bella stared at Josh. She admired his eyes. His smile. She couldn't believe that he loved her just as much as she loved him. He looked up to her staring. He made a funny pose, like a pinup girl. "Like what you see?" He said.

"Heck yes I do." She laughed

She heard the front door shut and lock. "They left. I'm hungry. Let's make food." She said, getting out from under the covers. 

Josh got up and put on basketball shorts. They went into the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?" She asked. 

"How about french toast?" He asked. 

"I don't know how to make that." She said. 

"I said I'd make food, silly." He said. 

"Have at it, babe." 

Josh grabbed eggs and milk from the fridge. "Cinnamon?" He asked. 

Bella got the cinnamon and sugar from the cabinet, as well as a bowl. Josh started cracking eggs into the bowl. Bella got out the bread and frying pan. She started heating the pan and melting butter. 

"That's all I know how to do." She said.

Josh dipped the bread in his mixture, then put the bread in the pan. Bella sits down on a chair and crosses her legs. She pulls out her phone and takes a picture. She sets it as her phone background. 

When breakfast was ready, Josh sat the plates on the table. "Don't touch it yet." He said taking a picture. "Can you sit in front of it?" He asked.

Bella sat at the table. She looked at her phone, smiling. She tweeted the picture she took. "looks like i stole ya boi" mentioning Tyler. 

Josh took the photo. The food was in focus, but you could see Bella smiling in the background. He tweeted it, captioning, "Breakfast for my queen." 

They eat their breakfast. 

"That was so good." Bella says, washing the dishes.

"Thank you." He says. 

When she gets done, Bella and Josh go into her room. She pulls boxes from her closet. "I saved these from when I moved in. Thought I might use them again." She said. 

"My stuff is already packed in my suitcase. Want me to help you?" He asks. 

"I'll start in my closet and you start on my dresser." She says, pointing to the dresser in the corner. 

She starts taking the clothes from the closet and putting them in a box. Josh sits in the floor, opening the bottom drawer. He takes all of the clothes out of it, then moves to the next. In the next one, he finds a little orange book. "What's this?" He asks. 

Bella turns around and smiles. "That's a scrapbook of my freshman year." She says. "Natalie and I put it together." 

She sits on the floor next to him, opening the book. On the front page was a Polaroid picture of the two. They're both smiling. 

"This was at a Panic! At The Disco concert. She wanted to marry Ryan Ross." Bella said. 

She turned the page to find a gum wrapper, a feather, and note that she had never seen before. 

"I've never seen this before." She said. 

She opened the note. 

"Hey babycakes. It's me, Nat. I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I don't want to leave you alone in this cruel world, but I have to. I have no purpose here anymore. I love you dearly, but one day, so will the drummer of that 25 pilots band you've been drooling over. I'm sorry for what I've done, just remember that you have purpose. You have a reason to live and to be strong. -Love, Natalie. " 

Bella takes a deep breath, and laughs. "25 pilots." 

"Well, if she's referring to me, then she was right. I do love you." Josh says. 

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