Chapter 2: The Boys

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After about two minutes I stood up once more. It took all of my courage to walk closer to the body. From what I could tell it was a boy. I shivered. 'Is that what there going to do I me?' I wondered. That's when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked down at my arm an saw a symbol. 'Biohazered.' I thought. 'As in chemical waist?' I wondered. I was drawn out of my thoughts by the sound of a door opening. My door. I looked up and saw a man walk in. He had a gun and a uniform on. He ran over to me and grabbed my arm pulling me out of the room. I was happy to get out of that room but at the same time scared of what they might do to me. They pulled me a little longer before stopping. They opened a door and threw me into a room. I landed and almost instantly stood up. I watched him leave. I turned around and saw a group of people looking at me. All of them boys. I could feel my heartbeat faster. I backed up slowly. To my surprise they did the same. That's when I realized I was covered in blood. There expression went from curiosity to fear. I backed up more. A boy stepped in front of the boys. He walked closer to me with his hand out. "It's okay." He said in a calm voice. The boy looked like he was the oldest. He had blond hair and blue eyes. "What's your name?" He asked. I shook my head. "I don't know." I mumbled. I looked down at my arm and rubbed my wrist were the symbol was. The boy seemed to notice. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and turned my arm slightly so the boy couldn't see. "My names Newt." The boy said after a couple seconds of silence. I stood silent. A boy with black hair stood beside Newt. "Minho." He told me. Some of them told me there names and some didn't. From what I could tell Newt was the leader. "What happened to you?" A boy named Winston asked me. "I woke up in a room with a dead body." I said simply realizing how weird it sounded. A boy in the back of the room scoffed. I stood there staring at him. He was one of the people who didn't tell me his name. "How do we know you didn't kill him yourself?" He asked me. I was taken aback by his question. "What would make you think that?" Minho asked. "Oh I don't know, he's covered in blood." The boy said sarcastically. "Jay." Newt said his tone full if warning. "What, it's true. How do we know he's not one of them?" Jay asked. "One of who?" I asked finally speaking up. "The people who put us here." Jay said pushing off the wall walking closer to me. "If I was working with them why would they arise my memory's and put me in this hell hole?" I asked stepping closer to him. Jay wasn't imitating. In fact if I wanted to I could have taken him down. Sadly I didn't get the chase. The door to the room opened and five people in uniforms grabbed me and started dragging me away. I had about enough if this. Before I could even think about what I was doing I kicked the guard holding me and punched the one next to him. Three more came at me but I screamed. They all went flying backwards. I stopped screaming and they got up and ran out the door. I ran to the door and closed it. I was panting and sweating. That's when I realized what had just happened. I turned and saw all the boys staring at me with wide eyes. That's when I heard people talking outside of the door. I turned and saw a man walk through the door. He was different than the others. He didn't have a weapon and he wasn't in uniform. I backed up slightly. "There's nothing to fear, welcome Thomas."

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