Chapter 29: The Wake up Call and Graze

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"This is not how it was supposed to happen. He isn't ready." I heard a woman's voice say. I kept my eyes closed so I could listen to what they were saying. "I know. It's to early. He could get hurt." A man said. "What do we do?" A different voice asked. "I don't know, but if he dies so do we." The woman said. "What are you suggesting?" The man asked. "I think we should take him to the Base. It's the safest spot for him." She told them. "What if he gets hurt. What if he dies?" The other voice asked. "Then we swoop in and save him. But only if it's an emergency." The woman said. "Okay it's settled. Let's get ready to send him." The man said.
I opened my eyes and saw I was still in the room by myself. Thalia, Newt, Minho, and Kelsey were gone. I had no idea how long I was out but I could tell it was dark outside. My head hurt but not as much as the last time. I stood up slowly and was shocked to see I wasn't weak. I walked out of the room and down the hall. I walked to our room and opened the door. All of the boys were sleeping except Newt and Minho. They turned towards me and instantly stood up. "Thomas." Minho said. Some boys sat up almost instantly and others rolled around to look at me. "What are you doing here?" Newt asked. "I was bored." I said with a small smirk. Minho smiled. "I beat that room was terrible. I'm not a big fan of white." He smirked. I laughed slightly and Newt did the same. That's when I started to fell dizzy. I leaned up against the wall to stabilize myself. "Thomas?" Newt asked. I didn't answer. "Thomas what's wrong?" Minho asked. "I...I don't know." I said and dropped to the ground. "Thomas!" Newt yelled. I screamed as pain rushed into my head. "Thomas! What's happening!?" Minho asked crouching down beside me. " head!" I yelled and screamed again. The pain was worse then I had ever felt. It was like a gun shot. The next wave of pain was the worst. I screamed so loud pieces of the ceiling started to fall around us. "Thomas! Thomas! You have to stop! The buildings going to come down! Us with it!" Newt yelled. I couldn't stop the next scream that came out of my mouth. Finally I was able to stop screaming for just enough time to talk the them. "You have to knock me out!" I yelled. "Thomas..." Newt started. "Just do it!!" I yelled my voice more powerful then before. This time he did what I said with out hesitation.
"Thomas, wake up! You need to wake up! Something's happening! Your dying!" Someone yelled.
I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in my bed. It was dark and everyone was asleep. I sat up and the woman's words replayed in my head. It was weird. The things she said and the fact that it didn't fell like a dream or a memory, it was different. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and when I got out everyone was up. I walked over to my bed and sat down silently. I didn't want to talk, in fact it was the last thing I wanted to do. Someone snapped their fingers in front of my face making me look at them. It was Minho. "Tommy, are you okay?" Newt asked from next to Minho. "Yeah." I mumbled. "We've been trying to get your attention for five minutes now." Minho explained. "Oh...sorry." I apologized. "What's wrong?" Newt asked. I didn't answer as the woman's words continued to reply in my head. "Thomas?" Minho asked. "Is it cause I hit you?" Newt asked. "No, I told you to." I mumbled. "Then what's wrong?" Minho asked. "Nothing!" I yelled before I could stop myself. I stood up and walked out of the room. "Thomas!" Newt yelled after me. I didn't stop. I had to be alone. I had to run.
The next hour flew bye as I ran. I had scooped every inch of the base before giving up and running outside. I ran around the desert and before I knew it I was at the mountains. I ended up going farther as I rushed up it dogging trees and rocks. When I finally made it to the top the sun was setting. It was an amazing sight but as I looked farther ahead I saw something running my way. An animal of some sorts but it was bigger, faster, and looked stronger. 'Graze.' The word popped into my head with out warning. And that's when I realized I must have encountered one before. As the Graze got closer to me I started to panic. The sight of the Graze itself was enough to kill someone. It was massive. Bigger then anything I've ever seen. It had sharp teeth as big as a sharks and it was covered in blood. I turned around and started running towards the base. I could hear the animal growling from behind me. I started running faster but so did the Graze. I could fell it gaining on me and before I had time to reached it tackled me to the ground. I screamed and the Graze seemed to calm down. It purred and laid its head down on me. I laid still amazed at how nice it was being. It slowly got off of me and licked my face. I laughed slightly and pet the Graze's head. That's when I realized that was its name. "Graze?" I asked him. He sat down next to me. He recognized me. He liked me.
A couple hours passed and I knew I had to get back to the base. "Graze." I said. He looked at me. "I need to leave okay, but I promise I'll be back soon." I told him. He looked sad for a couple seconds before getting up and walking back up the mountain side. Once Graze was finally out of sight I got up off the desert ground and started running back to the base.

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