Chapter 20: Gone Part 5

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We walked for hours before finally stopping. They made a camp and they all sat down around the fire. I was a couple feet away sitting and listing. That's when Kelsey walked over to me. "Hey." She said. "Hey." I replied weakly. "Feeling better?" She asked me. "Yeah just tiered." I told her. She seemed to understand and she walked back to the fire taking her seat next to Chris. I laid down and quickly closed my eyes. 'Thalia!' I called out in my head. 'Thomas! Look we followed your instructions but when we got there we couldn't find the tracks.' She told me quickly. 'They must have covered it up, there smarter then I give them credit for. Look it doesn't matter, we made camp again. Fallow the smoke. You'll find us. Just hurry. Chris is dying to kill me. The only reason he hasn't is because of this girl here. She not like the rest. She's helping me.' I told her. 'Okay, we see the smoke. Were only a couple miles away. Hang in there Thomas, we'll be there soon.' And with that she was gone. I spent hours just laying there with my eyes closed listening to there conversations waiting for Thalia to talk to me or give me a sign that they were here but nothing came and the more time that passed the more I started to doze off until finally I couldn't handle it anymore. I fell asleep.
I woke to the sound of people yelling and gun fire. I opened my eyes and saw Newt and Minho carrying me with my arms rapped around there neck. I saw Thalia and Kara in front but I couldn't focus something was off. That's when I remembered Kelsey. The moment my mind drifted to her I ran out of Minho's and Newt grip. I looked back and saw Kara's guards firing everywhere not aiming. That's when I saw Kelsey fall to the ground. A guard ran over to her, gun pointed at her head. I started sprinting towards them as fast as my legs could carry me. I stopped before I could run into them and looked at the guard. "Put the gun down." I said in a strong voice. Stronger then before. "No." That's when I recognized the voice. "Chris." I said simply. He looked at me then pointed the gun in my direction. I didn't flinch, I didn't even move. "I'm gonna say it one more time, put....the...gun...down." I said with clenched teeth. That's when he fired. I covered my face ready for impact but it never happened. I removed my hands slowly and saw the bullet floating in mind air. I then dropped my hands and the bullet fell. That's when I saw my arm glow blue. There was a cold chill in my eyes but it felt good. I looked up at Chris and made the gun fly out of his hands. I didn't even need to move. Chris put his hands up in surrender. He then turned around and ran. I looked at Kelsey and ran over to her. She didn't seem scared, she was more amazed. I smile and helped her stand. That's when I turned and saw everyone staring at me. I looked down and saw the blue wasn't going away. I grabbed Kelsey's hand and we started running. Thalia, Newt, and Minho we all running beside me. For the entire run back to the base me and Kelsey held hands. It actually made it easier. When we finally reached the base we all stopped. That's when guards started to surround me and Kelsey, guns raised. I stepped in front of her. That's when I heard Kara yell. "Stop it!" She shouted. She made her way through the guards and turned to face them. "Back up!" She yelled. No one did what she said. "That's an order!" She yelled louder. This time they followed. Then she looked at me. "Thomas, who is this?" She asked. I could fell Kelsey grip my hand tighter. I looked back at her. "It's okay." I told Kelsey, then looked back at Kara. "She's with me." I told her. "What are you talking about?" Kara asked. I looked at Thalia and waved her over. She came and stood next to me. "This is Kelsey." I said. "Wait, is she..." Thalia started. I nodded. "Yeah. She's the girl that helped me. She gave me food, even though it was against the rules. And she fixed my shoulder." I said and pulled my sleeve up so they could see it. I looked at it my self and saw blood stained the cloth. "She was the only one that wasn't hell bent on killing me. She tried to help. And she did." I said loud enough for everyone to hear. "She saved me." I concluded. "Survive, Revenge, Kill. That's there rules, that's there code. What Kelsey did. It could have gotten her killed. But she did it anyway."

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