Chapter 7: Chris

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That night was exhausting. Jay kept glaring at me, men in uniforms kept checking in on me waking me up at all hours of the night, and Newt and Minho constantly asked me if I was okay because I was mostly silent.
Pulse I had a dream.
You know when you dream and it's kinda blurry and unclear the next day, well that was the opposite of my dream.
I was sitting in a room. The wallpaper had airplanes on it. I was a little kid. About seven or eight. My mom walks in. She has black hair and blue eyes. She comes over to me with tears in her eyes. "I love you Thomas. Always remember that." She told me. People barged through my bedroom door and took me. I looked back and saw my mom being dragged out of our house.
I woke up gasping for air. The room was silent. I sat up quickly and looked around. I sighed. That's when I heard a voice. 'Thomas, you okay?' I heard. Though something was wrong it was a girls voice and I sounded like it echoed. I looked around but didn't see anything. 'Thomas can you hear me?' The girls voice asked agin. This time I realized were it was coming from. My head. 'Who are you?' I asked in my head. 'My names Thalia.' The girl said. 'Where are you?' I asked her. 'I'm in the room next to you.' She told me. Her voice was soft and sweet but there was also something else, fear.
'How can you talk to me, you know, in my head?" I asked after a long period of time. "I don't know, I guess kinda like you, I focus on what I want to say and it just happens." She explained. 'It kind hurts.' I said with a small laugh. It was true it did hurt but I could handle the pain. 'I know right.' She said. After that we were silent and I could tell she was asleep. I laid down again and after a wile I finally fell asleep.
I opened my eyes and saw I wasn't in my previous room. This one was all wight. I tried to sit up but nothing happened. I looked at my hands and saw I was tied down to a table. That's when someone walked into the room. Chris. He had a knife. He was walking towards me slowly with a smirk on his face. He put the knifes blade against my vain and started to push. I screamed and the door behind Chris flew open. The woman walked in. She walked up to Chris and grabbed the knife. She then put it up against his trought. "I told you to never harm him again or you'll pay with your life. You didn't listen." She said in a harsh tone. Before Chris could say anything else the women cut his throght. She ran over to me and cut the rope's helping me down. I was to exhausted to stand and I started to fall but she caught me before I could fall. "Michel!" She yelled in a panicked tone. Michel ran into the room and grabbed me. They started dragging me along and I could hear Thalia trying to talk to me. Considering I was so weak it was kinda hard to hear but it was there. 'Thomas! Are you okay?! What's wrong!?' Thalia yelled in my head. I tried to talk back but I couldn't I didn't have enough energy to focus. Finally we made it to my room and they opened the door. They quickly dragged me into the room and instantly conversation stopped. Everyone stood silent. They must have been to shocked to do anything but soon that wore off. Everybody started asking questions even Jay.
"What happened?" Newt asked.
"What did you do to him?" Minho asked.
"Is he dead?"
"Who did this to him?"
"Is he going to be okay?"
There questions were like gunshots. From Thalia screaming at me telling me to answer her, to the multiple questions, to blood dripping down my arm. "Doctor!" The woman screamed over top of all the questions. Everyone seemed to shut up the moment she spoke. Within seconds the doctor came running through the door carrying a first aid kit.

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