Chapter 24: The Fight

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"What are you talking about? Who's here?" A random boy asked. Kara and I didn't break eye contact. "Chris." I answered before she could. I could fell eyes on us but we all stood silent. That's when I started moving towards the door. Before I could pass, Kara stopped me. "Thomas, you can't. You many be strong but you can't take them all on by yourself." Kara said. "Get out of my way." I ordered with clenched teeth. "Thomas, you can't help us if your dead. This is not the end. I don't know all of the information, only what the Makers told me." She said. I finally looked at her. "If I don't try to stop this we're all dead. This time I'm going to beat him, no matter what." I said and walked out of the room.
I walked until the door outside came into view. I grabbed the door handle and opened the door. In the front of the group was Chris. "Well...well...well....look who showed up. To tell the truth, I didn't think you would." He said with a smirk. I could hear people come up behind me. "Leave." I growled ignoring his last comment. " know better then anyone I can't do that." Chris said. "I do, but it was worth a shot." I said and jumped on him. We rolled but then soon stopped. I hopped on top of him again and started punching him. That's when I felt his people grab me. Some cut me and others tried to pull me off of there leader but I didn't budge. That was until someone stabbed me. I rolled off there boss and groaned in pain. All of the previous adrenaline I had drained out of my body. I closed my eyes hoping the pain would pass but it only grew more as I felt someone punch me. I knew it was Chris, there was no question about it. I could hear people screaming but I could do nothing. I was to weak. "Thomas!" I heard Thalia yell. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Chris's group holding them back wile Chris continually punched me. "Tommy!" Newt yelled. I could see them fighting to get to me but it wasn't working. I felt one more blow before I had enough. I used all of the energy I had left and screamed. It was the loudest I've ever screamed. I could fell the ground rumbling and that's when I saw the desert ground cracking. I looked over and saw the cracks were surrounding me and Chris. I stopped screaming and stood up slowly. I stood face to face with Chris and I knew exactly what to do. "It doesn't have to end this way. No one has to die." I said weakly. "Yes it does and you know that." Was all he said. I sighed and looked down. I focused on my scream and I knew I started to glow blue. I looked up at Chris again and grabbed his shirt. If I was going to do this I had to make sure we were far away from the base. I started running at full speed with Chris next to me. I ran faster then I ever thought possible and once I stopped running we were at the mountains. Chris looked at me scared. I looked behind me and saw his group gaining up on us. I looked back at him again and let go of his shirt. "Leave. Don't come back. Go far away. If I see you anywhere near here again I swear I will kill you and you little group." I threatened. Chris looked at me shocked but nodded. "Were called The Blood." He told me. I nodded. Once his people finally caught up to us they started walking away. Chris gave me one last look and disappeared into the mountain. I sighed and turned away from the mountain. Everyone was standing there staring at me. I walked passed them all and started heading for the Base.

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