Chapter 21: Memory

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That night I had a dream.
"Thomas, Thomas wake up. Please. I can't lose you too." I heard a voice say. I instantly recognized it. Thalia. "They took mom and dad. Come on please wake up." She said her voice cracking. I opened my eyes to see my sister leaning over me tears in her eyes. I felt a pain in his head. "Come on we need to go before they come back for us." She said and helped me up. We started running but almost instantly was surrounded by people in black uniforms. Thalia held onto me obviously scared. I screamed and all of the guards fell back. We ran but something stopped me. I looked around and saw someone coming at us. Before I could stop them they hit me with the butt of the gun.
I woke up gasping for air. That had been one of the worst memory's I had. I sat up and saw almost everyone was up. I ran to the door and opened it quickly. I then ran to Thalia's door and started pounding on it. She quickly opened it and gave me a hug. She had had the same memory come back to her. She pulled away. "Mom and dad." She said. "They have them." I said and looked away from her to see boys rushing out of our room to see what was the matter. I grabbed Thalia's hand and took her back to our room. We both sat down on my bed with our elbows resting on our knees. We sat in the same position and I could tell she was thinking about the memory as well. Newt and Minho walked over to us and crouched down so we were at eye level. "Tommy?" Newt asked. I finally looked at him but instantly looked away. The last thing I wanted to do right now was talk. "Thomas, what happened?" Newt asked. I didn't say anything, I didn't even look at them. "Thalia, what's wrong with you guys?" Minho asked. She hesitated. "We remembered something." She said in a low voice that was just able to be heard. "What was it?" Newt asked. I could fell them staring at me. "It was about us. All of us. How they took us. What they did to us to get us here." I said and looked at the ground. "What do they do, what do you remember?" Winston asked. "They took our parents. They took us out of our home." I said and clenched my fists. "What do they do to them?" Jay asked speaking up. I finally looked up. "I don't know, but I'm about to find out." I said and stood up. I walked out of the room and just kept walking. I don't know how but I knew exactly were to go. I walked into a room and saw Kara. I walked over to her. "How long have you been here?" I asked her. "Almost all my life, why?" She asked. "Do you know what they do to our parents?" I asked. "Only what they tell us, after they get us they leave and don't take the parents." She said quickly. "Is there anything else you need to tell me?" I asked her. She shook her head. "Not yet." She said. I nodded and left the room. I passed all of the boys wile doing so. I went back to the room and stood in one of the corners leaning against the wall. All of the boys came flooding into the room. "What was that?! You can't just leave the room when ever you want!" Jay yelled. I pushed off the wall and walked over to him. "Well at least I did something! At least I got answers! What have you done to take a stand! Huh! Nothing! Ever sense I've got here, I'll I've been trying to do is help! You've done nothing! I've gotten punched, cut, and kidnapped! Yet you still find ways to blame me for things! You still find ways to try and make me the enemy! Well guess what! I'm not! But we do have one! Your just to stupid to see it! Chris is coming after us all and unless we take a stand and fight back, we're all going to die!" I yelled my voice making the building shake. Jay seemed taken aback but that soon passed. "Your right." He mumbled. I looked at him shocked. I never expected to here thoughts words come out of his mouth. "What?" One of the boys behind him asked. "I said he's right." Jay said loud enough for everyone to hear. "Thomas is right. He has done everything for us, but he lies all the same." Jay said. "What are you talking about?" Minho asked. "Thomas, has family in here." Jay said looking at all of the boys then me. "Don't you Thomas?" Jay asked. I looked at Thalia and everyone else followed my gaze. "Thalia is your sister." Jay said. I was shocked. I looked at Talia confused. 'Did you tell anyone?' I asked in my mind. She didn't answer. I walked over to her. 'Did you tell anyone?' I asked again. She looked away from me and I followed her gaze. She was looking at Newt. "Newt?" I asked out loud. "What does any of this have to do with anything? Who cares that Thomas has a sister? It doesn't matter." Minho said. I looked away from Newt and my sister and walked out of the room. I needed to be alone. What ever it took.

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