Chapter 16: Gone

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As there pack finally disappeared from view, I saw Thalia, Kara, Newt, and Minho run over to me. Thalia gave me a hug and I returned it. 'You scared the hell out of me.' She told me in my head. I nodded. "I know." I said out loud with a smirk. She hit me on the arm. And walked over to Newt. I looked behind him and saw Jay speed walking over to us with clenched fists. I walked towards him passing the group of people that had surrounded me. He poked me on the chest. "This...all of this is because of you." He said with clenched teeth. "Get your hands off of him." I heard Thalia say. She appeared beside me. I looked at my side and saw Newt and Minho there. I then looked behind me and saw Kara and her guards. Jay seemed surprised. That's when I saw boys and girls both joining our group. That's when Jay took action. He lifted up his fist and tried to punch Thalia. I grabbed it before his hand could hit her. I then pushed Jay back with more force then I thought possible. He went flying back. I walked forward until I was towering over him. He stood up quickly. That's when I saw a glow coming from my arm. I looked down and saw the symbol on my arm glow blue. Jay seemed to notice to. He started backing up slowly with his hands up in the air. He looked me directly in the eyes and he went pale. I turned around and faced the group. All of there eyes went wide. I took off sprinting past them. They all started calling my name but I ignored them. I had to get away. Something inside me was ordering me to run, to hide.
Thalia's P.O.V.
'Thomas were are you?! Please tell us!' I yelled in my mind. Nothing. He had broke the connection. I couldn't feel him. It was like he was dead.
I opened my eyes and looked at the gigantic group. I shook my head. "Nothing." I told them sadness filled my voice. My brother was gone, he just disappeared. I was more then worried, I was terrified. I had no idea what to think. For all I knew he could have been dead.

I laid down in my bed just staring at the ceiling. Kara had ordered us to go get some sleep. We all refused but she told us she would send all of the guards she had to go and try to find him. She cared about him but I wasn't sure why. She just did. I groaned giving up on sleep. I knew it was never going to happen. Not with Thomas out there all by him self in the middle of the night. I sat up and decided to go check on the boys. I walked out of my room and knocked on there door. Newt opened it and let me in. Just as I expected all of the boys were up except for Jay. He hated Thomas, I don't know why, but he did. I sat down on Thomas's bed and instantly felt a wave of sadness hit me like a bus. No one talked, what was there to talk about? Thomas had effected all of our lives in so many ways and now he was gone, maybe even dead.
It took all I had not to burst into tears right then and there.
Finally after about an hour of silence Newt spoke up. "Did he say anything?" He asked. "No." I told them sadly. "Try again." Minho demanded. I sighed but did as I was told. 'Thomas.' I called out in my head. 'Thomas!' I yelled trying harder. Nothing. I gave up and opened my eyes. I sighed and looked at the floor. That's when I heard it. That's when I heard his voice. 'Thalia?' I heard him ask. He sounded weak and injured. I jumped up off his bed. "What?! What is it?!" Newt yelled standing up as well. "Thomas! It's Thomas!" I yelled. 'Thomas, it that you!? Are you okay!?' I yelled in my head. There was no anwer. 'Thomas!!' I yelled louder. He didn't answer. I opened my eyes and sat back down on the bed. "What happened?! Were is he?!" Newt yelled. "He was there, then he just wasn't." I told them. Minho groaned in frustration.
After about two hours we finally decided to try and get some sleep. Most of the night I was just tossing and turning thoughts of Thomas filling my head. I tried everything to surpass them but nothing worked.
An hour passed and finally I fell asleep.

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