Chapter 26: The Guards

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I backed up slightly and saw Max and Grey do the same. "Thomas?" Minho asked. I didn't take my eyes off of the guards. "Thomas run!" Grey yelled as the guards started to walk faster. I did as he said and I knew the guards were fallowing me. I ran to the door of the cafeteria only to find it was locked. I turned around and saw the guards were gaining on me. That's when I came up with a plain. I stepped forward. They stopped in there tracks knowing what I could do to them. "Leave." I said my voice strong and powerful. "Not with out you." One of the guards said. I turned towards him and outstretched my arm. The guards stepped back and one of them pulled a gun out. I didn't flinch. "Leave." I repeated this time more powerful. "Come with us." The guard holding the gun said. I shook my head. "You know I can't do that." I said. I was about to say something else but the guard did something I wasn't expecting. He walked closer and put the gun up against my chest. "Lets go." He said. I looked behind him at my friends and knew I had to go with them. If I refused again they would kill one of them. I nodded and we started walking. I took one last glance at Thalia and saw a shocked look on her face. 'It's okay.' I told her in my mind. 'I'll be fine.' I said. 'What will they do to you?' She asked me. 'I don't know. But what ever it is I can handle it. Go find Kara and make sure if the guards come back....make sure you protect Max and Grey.' I told her and looked forward again.
The walk was long and exhausting. I didn't know where we were going or how long we had been walking. As we walked the only thing on my mind was my friends.
We turned into another hallway and almost instantly something happened. I felt weak. Before I knew it I fell to the ground coughing. The guards stopped walking and they looked from me to each other. "What's happening to him?" One of the guards asked. "I don't know. Maybe we should take him back." He suggested. The guard nodded and picked me up putting my arm around his neck, the other one fallowed. As we started to walk again I just coughed harder. Instead of stopping they just continued. Five minutes passed and I just got worse. "We need to stop. Something's wrong with him." The guard on my left said. "Okay." The other guard agreed. They sat me down slowly and I leaned against the wall trying to catch my breath but it wasn't working. "What's happening to him?!" One of the guards yelled. "I don't know but it's getting worse!" The other guard yelled. Before I knew it I let out an ear piercing scream. The two guards fell the the ground holding there ears and I knew it was was probably louder for them. I stopped screaming and started panting and continued coughing. I could hear people running down the long hallway and I felt two people pick me up. They started running down the hallway bragging me by my arms.
The two people ran into the cafeteria and sat me down on the ground calling people over. "What the hell did you do to him?!" Newt asked. I started wheezing and coughing more. "We didn't do anything it just happened!" One of the guards yelled. "Thomas! Thomas what's happening?!" Thalia asked. I couldn't talk. "Thomas answer us! What did they do to you?!" She continued. I tried to say something but screamed instead as a wave of pain hit me. Everyone stepped back but my scream only grew louder. I finally stopped screaming and I passed out.

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