Chapter 13:Chris Returnes Part 4

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I was surrounded. I could hear the boys walking out of the room. "No! Don't stay back! Get back into the room!" I yelled not moving. They listened. 'Thomas, what's happening?' Thalia asked. 'Just stay in the room, no matter what.' I told her. 'Thomas, what's wrong?' She asked concern filling her voice. 'Stay in the room.' I told her. 'If anyone try's to come out tell them not to, tell them I told you all not to leave the room.' Even though I couldn't see her I could tell she nodded. 'Be careful.' She told me. 'Always.' I said with a small smile. I focused on the crazy people around me. I turned looking at all of them. "You don't want to do this." I said in a harsh tone. "Oh but we do." Chris replied with a smirk. Anger took over every emotion I was feeling. I could hear someone lunge at me from behind. I quickly stepped to the side so the person crashed to the ground. This time six people came at me but I screamed. The building shook and some of the people went running. The others didn't move. I stopped screaming and saw Chris come after me. I moved out of the way but somehow he knew what I was going to do. He tripped me and I fell on my back. People started jumping on top of me. Once I was sure all of them were apart of this unfriendly dog-pile I screamed. They all went flying off and I used this as my adventige. I hopped up and screamed. The whole building shook harder then before. I heard a rumbling sound and I saw Kara and her guards running my way. Chris and his people started running in the other direction. I fell to my knees. Kara appeared in front of me. She helped me stand and took my back to the room we were just in. I walked into the room. And was attacked by questions. Thalia ran up to me and gave my a hug. She pulled back and looked at me. "Never do that again." She told me with a smile. "Never." I said returning her smile. Kara came over to us. "Thomas, were so sorry we couldn't come sooner, Chris attacked us and locked us in a room." Kara explained. "It's okay Kara." I told her. She looked at me with a shocked expression. "Chris told me." I explained. She was about to say something by I tuned her out. I was to busy listening to a conversation from the hallway. "We need to get the X5KK. Chris is getting impatient." I heard a guy say. I looked at Kara. "What's an X5KK?" I asked her in a rushed tone. "W...what?" She asked stunned. "What is an X5KK?" I asked again. "It's a bomb." She explained. I took off running down the hallway until I saw two guys standing there. I jumped on top of one of them and the other tried to get me off if his friend. "What do you need a bomb for, and why are you working for Chirs?!" I yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. People started to surround us wanting to know what all of the commotion was about. Newt, Minho, Thalia, and Kara all pushed to the front. "Actually don't answer that cause I already know why." I told them. "Oh yeah and what's that?" One of the guys asked. I pulled up his shirt to revile purple blood oozing from his side. I did the same to his fiend. "Your one of them." I told the boy who was trying to get me off his friend. That's when they seemed to realize who I was. "Oh my god...oh my god." One of the boys said. The other one was backing away slowly. Finally they broke out into a full blown sprint.

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