Truth or dream?

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Molly C. Quinn as April ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Sorry if this is confusing, but it'll make sense later in the book :) Enjoy!

~kristen19 <3


***Terra's P.O.V.***

Just as I was on the verge of falling asleep, the hushed whispers are coming from outside my door soon followed by a quiet knock.

I roll over until I'm looking at the door and groan.

It's so far away and I'm tired. Maybe if I just ignore them they'll go away.

Five minutes later and they're now constantly knocking on my door. I can't even have five minutes of sleep without someone interrupting and I have had it!

I throw my warm comforter off of me and roll off of the bed in one movement to pad barefoot to the door.

I wretch open the door and glare at the person standing on the other side.

"What?" I snap.

"Wow, if I knew you were this snappy, I would have waited. Plus, you're not looking too hot right now." Taylor says, mocking me.

I quickly glance down at my borrowed blue tank top and striped pijama shorts before returning my gaze to his.

"If I wanted your opinion, I would have walked down stairs and asked for it. Now, if all you're going o do is insult me, I'd rather be sleeping right now cause it's freaking one thirty in the morning!" I hiss at him.

He holds his hands up in a submissave gesture and I sigh.

"What do you need Taylor. I'm tired and I'd like to go back to sleep." I decided to say it again, but with less... crankiness.

He smirks.

"That's much better." Then his face grows more serious. "I need to talk to you." I give him a look saying he should continue, but he adds, "Alone." to the end of it. He sneaks a glance at the door across the hall from mine and back to me.

Rolling my eyes, I open my door wider and make my way back to my bed. I sit down cross legged and lean on the headboard. He sits on the end of the bed with his feet still on the floor.

This is when I notice that he's wearing a rumpled grey t-shirt and boxer shorts. His hair is tousled from sleep which makes me wonder why he's up at this time and needing to talk to me. Surely it can wait until tomorrow... well, later today.

"Do you..." He begins. "Do you have a mate?" His question has my eyes widening in suprise.

"No, I don't an- uh well, and you- I don't mean to be rude, but you're not him." I have no idea why I'm rambling. It's not like he is my mate and I'm rejecting him.

He nods.

"I know." This stops me short. "Do you know what it's like when you find your mate?"

"Yea, but why are you asking me this? Anyone else could probably talk to you about the, er, mate stuff." I scratch the back of my head. This is awkward. Maybe this is why he waited until this ungodly hour to ask me about this.

He chuckles quietly, but I hear it with my sensative ears.

"I know about that and that's not what I'm talking about. I want to talk to you about the deal we made." He looks at me expectantly.

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