Boys, Please!

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***Aaron's P.O.V.***

I carry my mate quickly to the side of the road and under the cover the trees provide.

I peer down at her and see her eyes slipping slowly shut.

"Stay with me." I mutter to myself before setting her lightly on the cool ground. I place my hands lightly on the sides of her face just before her eyes completely shut and I hear her heart beat begin to slow.

No, she can't be dying! I think frantically to myself.

I just got her back and here she is; in my arms lying on the ground and possibly dying! I growl out loud when I think about whose fault this is. None of this would have happened if the asshole hadn't hit us with his car!

"Naomi! Hank!" I call, barely containing my anger. They appear by my side less than a minute later, waiting for me to speak to them. "Stay here with her... don't let anyone come near her that wasn't in our truck and I want you to see if there's anything you can do for her." I practically growl out as my wolf begins to push through my control.

I don't even wait for an answer, knowing that they'll do everything they can. Naomi is studying under her father to become the next pack doctor and Hank is one of the best fighters in our pack. I have no doubt in my mind that they can handle this.

I storm back to the road where Bryn is gingerly moving her arm. From the looks of it, she may have dislocated her shoulder.

Ben is next to the other car's driver on the pavement where he has him pinned to the ground by his neck. I sniff the air and the man's scent reaches my nose.

I growl louder at the rogue who injured my angel. The one person I'm destined to spend the rest of my life with. My other half and my one and only true love. It's all his fault!

I push Ben out of the way and lift the man from the ground by the collar of his shirt.

"You are going to die for hurting my mate so pray to the goddess right now." I bet my eyes are black, but it doesn't seem to be scaring this guy what so ever and that is pissing my wolf off even more.

"You won't hurt me." He tells me calmly, ignoring the fact that his own feet aren't even supporting him anymore.

I grab his neck with one hand and hold him tighter.

"And why is that?" I force out, but it sounds like mostly growling. He smirks and that sends me over the edge. I use my free hand to punch him in the face as hard as I can and he flies backwards onto the ground, but not before a sickening crack fills the silence.

He struggles into a sitting position and I notice his nose is broken with blood flowing freely from it. Serves him right, but it hasn't satisfied my wolf in the slightest. HE wants bloodshed and he wants this man dead.

I pounce on top of him and continue to beat him up with punches to his face and abdomin, but he makes no effort to fight back.

I pull back my arm for another hit when a smaller hand places itself on my arm. Tingles shoot throughout my entire body and my head snaps towards the only person that could ever make me feel this way.

Terra is kneeling next to me, hair messed up and a quickly fading bruise on the side of her face, but otherwise looks unharmed. How is that possible thought? When I left her she looked like she had an encounter with a cheese grater on her arms and a gash on her forehead from where she hit the side of Ben's truck. There aren't even any scars from where any of the injuries were.

"I know you have a lot of questions and I promise I'll answer them, but please... don't kill him. It was probably an accident and I'm okay." She says in a whisper and I can hear the fear in her voice under the strong facade she's showing me and everyone else at the moment.

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