Together at Last... or Are We?

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Terra's Mate!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------->


***Terra's Mate's P.O.V.***

We had been on the road again after getting ice cream in the last town, thanks to Damon, and are heading to the Black Fire pack's land to continue my 'mate hunt'. We're about an hour from getting there and Jordan had called earlier saying that this pack had a few problems with some rogues kidnapping the future Luna, but that she was back safe and sound now. I just hope that Mason read his email and knows we're coming.

I shake my head and suddenly feel lightheaded.

"Dude, you don't look so good." Jay says. "Maybe we should take a break."

"No." I object immediately. "I'm fine." I try to sound normal, but my voice is a little shaky.

"No you're not." He says with more force behind his words.

"Yes, I-" I cut off, feeling a shooting pain on my right arm. Jay is in front of me in a second, but I'm doubled over and cradling my arm against myself.

I look up for a second and see his mouth moving, but no sound is coming out.

What's happening?

"BEN! Stop the freaking car NOW!" My brother yells and I wince as my hearing suddenly comes back while he's yelling at the top of his lungs.

I feel the car come to a screeching halt on the empty road and the truck rocks back and forth from people moving hastily around.

"Bro, can you hear me?" Jay asks, kneeling beside me.

I grind my teeth together and nod my head once. It hurts so badly! Like my arm is burning at an extreme temperature, but just like it came, it's gone, leaving me feeling cold from the lack of the heat.

I sit up, pushing my brother away from hovering over me.

 "Wow, what is that?" Jess asks, her eyes wide and staring at my arm.

"It's an arm. Come on Jess, even I thought you knew your body parts."

She rolls her eyes.

"Not that, you idiot, that." She moves forward and lifts my sleeve, revealing my upper arm.

 "When did you get a tattoo?" Naomi asks me, her head tilted to the side slightly as she looks at the swirling, black lines of the wolf head on my arm.

 "I didn't." And that's true. I had thought about getting one a while ago, but decided against it. So where the heck did this come from?

"It looks almost like a spirit's mark." Ben says, sticking his head out the window. We all turn our heads to face him and he gives us an accusing look. "Don't look so surprised. I pay attention and read a book once in a while."

Hank scoffs.

"Dude, you're always sleeping. How can you be paying attention? And you never read a book unless it's something to do with cars."

"Do you want to know about the mark or not?"

I answer before Hank says anything else.

"What's the spirit's mark?"

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