Love Is For Forever

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I'd to say first, that yes Terra is dead, but there's her pov... but it's still her.

And second, thanks to all the amazing readers who've read my book. I really appreciate it :) There will be another short chapter after this part, but I consider this  the the last "Official'' chapter..... Hope you like it!!!


***Terra's P.O.V.***

"What do you mean I'm dead?!" I exclaim, standing in front of the Council of the Spirits. They're sitting high in front of me at a table that wraps the whole way around the gigantic room. The floors are what looks like marble, but the slight glow tells me otherwise.

"You gave all of your life energy to your mate for him to survive." Mirina states, showing no sympathy. She's the oldest of the five elders and by far the wisest. She's been the calmest about everything so far and the others look to her for a final decision. Her short, silver colored hair has different colored beads weaved into multiple strands. Her eyes are a strange color of violet offset with a black line running from hair line-to-hair line going directly over her eyes. The others are exactly the same except with varying hair length. The black line reminds me of the time I painted my face for paintball back at the castle. For my thirteenth birthday, I transformed the ENTIRE castle into an obstacle course, forts, anything you can think of for that type of thing.

"I understand that, but could you at least see to it that Aaron falls in love. See that he gets over me." I hold back tears at my words. I don't necessarily like what I'm saying, but I want what's best for my mate and falling in love with someone else could do that.

"You bond was also stronger then most even before your mating." I feel a pang in my chest at this. Not to sound... desperate or stupid, but I died before I could even lose my V card. "You love him, child, as he loves you. I cannot make another do something they don't wish to do." She folds her hands on top of the table.

"But you don't understand. He won't ever get over me and I can't let him hurt himself because of me."

"You saved him Atierra." She states, using my full name and I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from correcting her. "He was gone, here with us already, and you brought him back, but one doesn't escape death. In order to keep the balance, a trade had to be made. Your life for his. I've already done more then I should have, but the balance has been kept and your mate is alive like you wanted."

"Please." I beg in a whisper. "I don't want him to live the rest of his life in pain. Help him somehow."

"Your destiny had been chosen from the moment you were born. You were specifically chosen because of your courage and selflessness. You are willing to die for others without expecting any sort or reward in return other then the satisfaction of saving a life."

My legs decide to give out on me and I sit on the cool ground, pulling my knees to my chest.

"Many have tried to live up to our expectations and few have succeeded. You've done more then annyone could ever have asked for and more. We've watched over you from the moment you took your first breath."

 "But why was I destined to die? That's what I don't understand." I tilt my head up to look at the elders. Meeting Mirina's gaze.

"Not everything always works out the way you want, dear, but unfortunately not much can be done for your mate. You were his soul mate and he will never forget."

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