The Truth Comes Out

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***Terra's P.O.V.***

Aaron leads me silently to the stream where I can wash up and a few minutes later a woman comes out from the trees with a new set of clothes and a towel. I thank her before turning to set the clothing on the dry ground.

I look at Aaron from the corner of my eye to see him facing away from me in order to give me privacy. His shoulders are tight and he's blocking me from hearing his thoughts. He's never not spoken to me before and I'm starting to really worry about his reaction.

Sighing, I strip out of my dirty clothes and step into the cold water. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from gasping in shock from the temperature, but I quickly get used to it and full submerge myself.

Only taking time to wash my hair and letting the running water wash anything else off of me, I step out and grab for the worn looking towel. It's soft on my skin as I wrap it around myself.

Aaron has barely moved, only shifting from foot to foot every once in a while and keeping his arms crossed over his broad chest. Gathering up enough nerve, I walk over to him and hesitate before placing a hand on his arm.

"If you're mad at me, then just say so instead of giving me the silent treatment. I prefer hearing you tell me what ever you're upset about then me having to guess and think of every possible thing I've done wrong."

He spins around to face me, shaking off my hand in the process.

"I'm not mad, but I don't get why you're hiding whatever it is you're hiding from me. I'm your mate. I can deal with whatever it is you're dealing with." His voice is reaching a louder volume. It's not quite yelling, but it's getting there.

"So, you're mad."

 "I said I wasn't mad."

"You're practically yelling at me which means you're upset." I shrug. "I get it, but I said I would tell you so you shouldn't be like this." I gesture at him with one hand while holding the towel in place with my other one.

"And I'm telling you I'm not mad. Aren't you hearing me when I tell you that?" I choose not to answer him and turn around to walk back to my clothes. "You're just so stubborn!" I look at him from over my shoulder to see him tangling his hands in his hair.

"Uh..." He looks back to me and I twirl my finger in the air to silently tell him to turn around. He rolls his eyes and mumbles, "It's not like I won't see it all eventually." I blush, but look around on the groun for something non-life threatening to throw at him. When nothing like that can be found, I promise myself to remember this the next time we're alone.

Slipping on the simple forest green t-shirt and black sweatpants, I assess the look in the reflection of the stream.

"You look fine." Aaron states as he grabs my hand and begins taking me back in the direction of the camp.

There are only a few people out and about now and when they see us, they quickly avert their gaze in a different direction. I'm not quite sure what that is about. It's only when I see my brother exiting a tent that I pull away from my mate and make my way to him. He holds up his hand before I can utter a single word.

"Before you ask, your friend is resting. She'll be okay once she has time to heal herself."

 "Thank you."

"Any friend of yours is a friend of mine, sis." He pats my head and smiles when I swat his hand away.

"On second thought, I take my thank you back."

"Whatever." He leans closer to whisper in my ear. "You don't have to tell him you know. It's none of his business." I sigh.

"But that's where you're wrong. It is his business to know what he's getting himself into by being with me."

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