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***Terra's P.O.V.***

The sensation of falling is one I'll never forget. My stomach is constantly flipping and my long hair escapes from its loose ponytail, whipping around my face like a whip. Adrenaline pumps through my veins and makes my senses more alert. A scream escapes past my lips and I instinctively squeeze my eyes tightly shut.

"No!" I hear someone yell, but I can't identify the fading voice. A few seconds later, I feel someone's arms wrap tightly around me. My eyes snap open to look into the blazing ones of my mate.

"Hold onto me." He says before we hit the icy water. It shocks me to the core and I unintentionally gasp, causing me to swallow a mouthful of water. My arms start to flail in an attempt to get to the surface for air. Quickly, something warm around my waist drags me upwards. I cough out water in time to be pulled under for another short time, but I never got another breath to easily sustain me. My lungs are burning and are desperately in need of oxygen.

The next thing I know, my feet touch solid ground and my face breaks out of the water. I cough up any water that I swallowed and take in the much needed air.

 "That's right, just breathe." Someone whispers into my ear and they tighten their grip on my body. The burning starts to go away and I can think straighter. I pull out of my mate's grasp and crawl onto shore, my hair sticking to my face and neck and my clothes clinging to my body. My arms give out a minute later and I just collapse, breathing heavily, on the cold, rocky ground. My eyes slip shut just as I feel a body laying behind me, the body heat radiating from him starts to warm me up. I hadn't realized I was shivering until now. I press myself closer and give a content sigh. "Are you alright?"

 "Yes." I reply, breathless. "Just cold." I snuggle into his chest

 "I'm so sorry I did that." He sounds sincere and it almost pains me to think that he blames himself for that.

"It's fine and don't you go blaming it on you. It's all Reed's fault." The last part comes out more spiteful than I had meant it to. Aaron stiffens and rolls me carefully over to face him. I keep my eyes shut, but I can feel his breath fan across my face.

"That was him?" He starts to shake and my eyes fly open. His are turning black, showing his wolf is coming out. To make sure that doesn't happen, I grab his face lightly in my hands and bring our lips together. He responds instantly by parting my lips and sticking his tongue into my mouth. His taste explodes on my taste buds and I smile inwardly. We kiss for a few minutes and let me tell ya, it's heaven. His shaking has finally stopped and I pull away before we can do anything else. There's a few things I need to ask him first. his grey eyes greet me and he has a cute pout on his face.

"Another time. I promise." He sighs and runs a hand through his damp hair.

"Yeah, sorry. It's just... you told me you were gonna have to be with him and-" I press my finger against his mouth to silence him.

"I understand. Now... can I ask you a question?" He gives me a look saying I should remember the last time I asked him that I flush and hide my face in his chest again. "Are you wearing any clothes." He stops tracing random patterns on my back and I peek up at him through my lashes. I notice red creeping from his neck and into his cheeks. I'll take that as a no. Plus, I can feel how, uh, excited he is.

"Does it bother you?" He asks, keeping a straight face.

"Just a little." I mumble and he chuckles.

"You won't get too cold if I stand up to put my shorts on, will you?" I shake my head and close my eyes again as he stands. I immediately feel cold at the loss of his body heat and I shiver. "Come on. We should get moving before the guards find a safer way down here." I sit up and take his outstretched hand. He helps me to my feet and I take my hand from his to rub mine together, putting most of my weight on my uninjured leg. The little heat I create feels good.

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