Chapter 44 (Part 2)

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***Aaron's P.O.V.***

My hands grip the steering wheel tighter, almost enough to snap the flimsy material in half.

I had just called Alpha Mason to ask if a girl named Violet or McKenna is in his pack. Why? Because when Terra talked about her friends, the few people who seem the most reliable are those two girls. It helps that one is the future Luna, but the other has a certain thing about her, from what I hear, that might help the situation. Mason wouldn't answer the question at first, but once I told him that I'm Terra's mate and about the situation, he agreed to meet with me to discuss options. Even though Ihaven't met him, it sounds like he cares what happens to her.

"You need to calm down." Jordan states, arms crossed and sitting in the passenger's seat of the vehicle.

"How can I calm down? My mate has been kidnapped and injured! All I want is to find her and kill whoever is behind this! You just don't understand." I clamp my mouth shut to stop talking. No matter what I feel, he's still my alpha and I can't disrespect him.

"I don't know how you feel, but how do you think it makes me feel? And Mel and Brook and everyone else? We don't like seeing you like this. You're beating yourself up over something that wasn't your fault." He tries reasoning, but it doesn't phase me in the slightest. He must notice this when I don't answer and sighs. "Aaron, you're my best friend. I know it's tough, but you can't just think the worst. Everything happens for a reason. You especially should know that."

My emotions falter because he knows about the mark on my arm. I gave him a quick rundown when I first got back from my 'mate hunt' as he called it. I still don't know why I have it though, but I do have this feelign that something will happen soon... something bad is about to happen. It unsettles me and the longer I don't have Terra the more the feeling grows.

"The spirits have their own agenda, but it doesn't mean that I agree with it." I turn onto the right highway and stay in the right lane.

"No one said you had to." We sit in silence listening to the radio playing softly through the speakers.

Currently, I'm behind the wheel of my Ferrari with nine or so other vehicles following behind us filled with members from my pack. I'm not worried about to winding roads of the mountainous terrain, even at the speed I'm going. Jordan isn't either or he would have ordered that I pull over and he drive the rest of the way. I would probably put up a fight though since this is my car and one of my most prized possessions.

'How's Mel doing?" I ask, breaking the comfortable silence. My alpha beams and I briefly envy the fact that his mate is carrying their pups. I want that more than I ever realized until recently. To be able to have my mate round with my kids.

"Mel will be Mel." He starts with a chuckle, not noticing my brief daydream. "But she's doing well. The hormones are a little crazy though. Yesterday I asked if she wanted anything to eat and she asked for fish."

"Did you make her fish?" I inquire, glancing at him quickly before returning my gaze to the road.

"What do you think? We didn't have any fish at the house so I ordered takeout from that Chinese place in town. They got there a half hour later with my sushi."

"Why do I get the feeling there's a twist in this story?" I smirk.

"I handed her the container and a set of chopsticks, but she said she didn't want sushi anymore. I took too long and she now craved chicken." I burst out laughing, despite the situation we're in, and he glares at me. I see in his eyes that he's happy about me laughing. I haven't in a while now, hardly smiling either. "It's not funny Aaron. Pregnant women are confusing. Just you wait until your mate has a bun in the oven and you'll feel my pain. I'll be the one laughing then." He pauses and waits for me to calm down. "For now I have her under the watchful eye of my mother."

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