Flattened By Looks

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***Terra's P.O.V.***

I hadn't even gotten both feet firmly planted on the ground with a few of my bags before the girls dragged me in the house and up to my room.

"What about the other bags?" I ask, digging my in my heels in an attempt to stop or at least slow them down. It didn't do squat.

"Don't worry, we grabbed them already." Mel assures me, pushing me into my room, following closely behind me. "Brooklyn, please go get Cassidy. I might need her help."

"With what?!" I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air before placing them lightly on my hips.

"Oh, you're not the one who will be needing help." She mumbles and Mel raises an eyebrow at her.

"Did you say something?" Brook shakes her head quickly and slips out of the room to get whoever Cassidy is. Crap, now I'm alone with a slightly crazy pregnant woman. Goddess help me now.

"So why do you need Brook to get Cassidy?" I still don't know what the heck is going on right now.

"To help you with your makeover. Duh1" She says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"I thought I was just going to wear different clothes!" Not that I could have worn what I used to have cause Mel wouldn't let me buy more than three t-shirts. She laughs and starts to look through the different bags.

"Of course not. If you're getting a makeover, you're going all the way. Nicer clothes, shoes, hair and makeup."

"What's wrong with my hair?" I ask, taking a blond lock between my fingers and examining it for anything wrong.

"Nothing wrong with it, but I mean you could style it more." She shrugs and squeals in delight. Holding up a floral dress in her hands, I slowly back away. I remember trying that particular dress on. It only goes down to mid thigh and it's also strapless, pretty much making me feel exposed since I'm used to wearing t-shirts and jeans. "Where do you think you're going?" Mel asks, looking towards me in disapproval.

"No where." I reply before backing myself quickly into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

"Terra, it's a dress. It's not gonna kil you." I can picture her rolling her eyes.

"You're one to talk. I've spent my whole life fighting against wearing anything like that. So, pretty much everything you've bought I've never worn willingly before." I admit, resting my back against the door and sinking to the floor.

"Well, tough." I hear my bedroom door open and Mel happily greeting the people there. I hear Brooklyn excuse herself and make her escape. Traitor.

"So what did you need help with?" An unfamiliar voice asks.

"She's hiding in the bathroom. I know how much you love giving makeovers and thought you'd like to try giving her one."

"Who is 'her' exactly?" Hmm, I detect a slight foreign accent.

"Aaron's mate. She's a tomboy and hates everything girly."

"Do not!" I protest and I hear the two laugh.

"Don't' worry Mel, I'll make you proud. I did, in fact, learn everything about giving makeovers from you." That can't be a good thing.

"Alright. Terra." She starts, getting closer to the door. "I'll keep up my end of the deal once you come down in that dress looking pretty."

I grumble to myself and hear her laugh before my door opens and shuts again.

"She's gone. You can come out now." I hear her laugh lightly and I stand, opening the door a crack to peer out. Seeing no one other than who I presume is Cassidy, I step out and sigh in relief. She has dark brown hair that has slight natural curls and pale green eyes. They look like an emerald that has been worn down over years, but they're very beautiful none the less. She's wearing simple black skinny jeans and a pale yellow off the shoulder top. On her feet is a pair of black pumps her makeup isn't overdone like girls who try too hard to look pretty.

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