Sweet Dreams... Kinda

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***Aaron's P.O.V.***

As soon as Gena told me this, my semi-calm mood disappeared instantly. I was up and running into the house before she could utter another sound. I burst into MAson's office, not caring if I was interrupting a meeting, and quickly explained everything I'd been told. My alpha's face hardened into a cool mask, showing no emotion. After what feels like forever, Mason stands from behind his desk. Looking each and every person right in the eyes, he says the words we've all been waiting to hear.

"Let's move."

***Cameron's P.O.V.*** (A day before this all happened)

 "I can't believe she got away!" I scream for the umpteenth time, continuing to pace around my room with Ember watching my every step from the couch.

"There's nothing you could have done Cam." She tries to reason with me, but it won't work. Not when I was so close to bringing my sister home. I mean, I know she wasn't kidnapped, but that doesn't make things any better. We all need her back. Me, Ember, Emma, my parents, all of us. Reading my thoughts, she continues. "I know you miss her, we all do, but if she's truly happy where she is with her mate, might I add, then I think we should let her go."

"If you love something, or in this case someone, set them free." I quote one of my mate's favorite sayings and she nods sadly.

"Exactly. She loves us though so I have no doubt in my mind that she'll find her own way back home eventually."

"Since when did you become so deep?" I ask, sitting down next to her and wrapping my arms around her. She snuggles into my side and shrugs.

"I had Chinese last night. Maybe the fortune cookies have rubbed off on me." I feel her smile against my side and I can' help but smile.

"You're something, you know that?"

"I know." She states, jumping up from her seat and going to the cabinet where her movies are. I almost growl at the sudden movement because my wolf and I love being so close to our mate, but I don't. "Wanna watch a movie?" She waits for me to answer, which is just a shrug, before turning around to look at all the movies she has to choose from. Since my family is rich, I kinda spoil Ember with all kinds of things and it just so happens that she loves movies. Every time one comes out that she likes, it gets ought, whether I know about it or not. Sometimes I wonder if giving her access to my bank account was a good idea. Especially when she goes to the mall.

She stands up straight after finally picking a movie and turns to me with a coy smile.

"What?" I ask, sounding wary as she hides her movie choice behind her back. Slowly, she brings it from behind her and I groan. Should have known she chose that. "Really?" She nods.

"It's one of my favorite movies Cam. Don't judge." The movie, please kill me now, is Letters to Juliet. It's some sappy movie about love in Italy gone wrong and the main character falling in love with someone else. Ember, even though she never cries, ends up doing just that at one part every single time we watch this. One of the things I miss most about my sister being here is that I'm her replacement for watching girly movies with my mate... Every. Single. Time. Emma finds a way out of it every time and everyone I call my friend somehow disappears during this time. Just my luck, eh?

"Fine. Just put the movie in." She squeals and bends down to put the DVD into the player. I use the time to look at her butt. Her jeans hug all her curves in just the right way and I look at the ceiling, smiling, as she turns around.

"You okay?" She sits down next to me again and I stifle a laugh.

"I'm fine." Grabbing the remote from the coffee table, I point it a the box and pretend to push the button. When nothing happens, I pretend to push it again. "I think there's something wrong with the box. Could you check it out?"

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