Crazy Shopping

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 Dedicated to LeahMichelle423 for the new character :)

***Terra's P.O.V.***

I woke up this morning in my mate's arms, happy as I've ever felt. Then I remembered what Aaron promised Mel I'd do with her today. Don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't like her, it's just I don't personally know her and I'm going to spend a whole day shopping with her. Why don't you just kill me now. I hate shopping.

I look at the clock on the bedside table and see it's almost nine. I sigh and try to get up, but my mate's arms are like a vice. They aren't allowing for much movement and when I do move, he only brings me tighter against him. Determined to get away, I carefully pry his arms off enough to slip out of them and put a pillow in my place. He hugs the life out of it and I think I just might have gotten out with my life. Any longer and I might have been squeezed to death.

I tip toe to the door and softly shut it behind me. It clicks shut and I pray he didn't wake up. I wait a few seconds and let out the breath I'd been holding. He didn't. Point for the ninja! (aka, that's me.)

Okay, so if I remember correctly, if I go to the left and take the stairs... then go left again and down the hall... I find myself in the living room? That's not right. Okay, so from here I can go... uh... to the right maybe... and then down the hall... I'm at the bottom of the stairs where I started. Ugh, fine! I'm lost. Juuuuust great. That's the way I wanted to start my morning.

I backtrack to the living room and sit down on the couch. Putting my head in my hands, I realize I should have woken Aaron up. At least then I would be in the kitchen by now and filling my empty stomach.

"Hey. You lost?" I peek through my fingers to see a guy, my age, with bright green eyes and light brown hair. He's standing in the doorway to the living room in pajama pants and no shirt. If I didn't already have a mate, I might have drooled a little. Damn that boy's got abs.

"Just a little." He laughs and I sit up straight. "Don't laugh at me. This place is huge and I got here yesterday." He holds up his hands in surrender and I stand. Moving to leave, he lightly grabs my arm to stop me.

"I'm sorry. Where do you want to go? I'll take you there."

"Um, no thanks. I'll find my own way around." I smile and go some random direction, hoping this is the right way.

"The kitchen is the other way, just saying." He points, trying not to laugh again.

"I do not have time for this." I pass him again and feel him start to follow behind me. "Fine. If you really want to help me, get me to the kitchen in one piece." He chuckles.

"You're really not a morning person, are you?"

"Shut up..." I grumble, trailing off.

"My name's Dax." I choose to ignore him. "I'm Damon's brother." That actually explains a lot.

"And I need to know that because?" I ask, looking over my shoulder at him.

"I don't know. Watch it." His arm shoots out to stop me from walking into a wall. "Thought I'd at least tell you a little about who I am."

"I'm not interested Dax. Thanks, but no thanks." I go through the swinging door I remember from last night and almost do a happy dance at the sight of the kitchen. "Hallelujah!" I exclaim and open the fridge to see what there is to eat.

"I get that reaction all the time." I jump and see a girl with stright, brown hair pulled into a low ponytail sitting  at the island eating a bowl of cereal. She's wearing a pale yellow tank top with black and yellow polka dotted short shorts.

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