My Mate's Sister

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Terra's dress, but imagine it's yellow instead ----------------------------------------------------------------->

***Terra's P.O.V.***

I shower and change into a pair of dark wash jeans and a t-shirt I stole from Brook. Right before I open the door, someone bursts in and slams it shut beind them.

"Uh, can I help you?" I ask, peeking around the corner only to see Cassidy.

"Mel told me to come and help you pick an outfit. You're meeting the pack in ten minutes." She rushes into my closet, leaving me momentarily stunned as I watch her rummage through my clothes.

"What?!" I wasn't expecting to meet them now. "Why am I only being told about this now?!"

"Since Jordan called a pack meeting they figured you'd want to be introduced to everyone properly. Now we don't have a lot of time, so put this on." She hands me a pale yellow haltter dress with lots of ruffles and a thin string that ties around my waist.

I get the dress on in record time and Cassy sits me down on my bed while she quickly does my makeup.

"You're hair is still drying so just wear a headband to pull it out of your face. Okay?"

"Yup." I go into my bathroom again and pick a simple black band. Looking in the mirror, I see the makeup she put on looking perfect, even if she did it in under three mins. I don't think I'll ever get used to looking so nice all the time. I might actualyl thank Mel for this, just not today.

"Hurry up! We gotta go, like, now!" Cassy yells from outside the door. As soon as I walk through the doorway, she shoves a pair of black flats at me to put on and tells me I can put them on downstairs.

"I'm going!" I shake off her hand that's practically dragging me down the hall. She smiles apologetically and keeps moving.

"So the meeting room is at the back of the house and everyone but the children under ten go for pack meetings. We have about seventy wolves, give or take, and then there are a few pregnant so that'll increase our numbers too." She explains, leading me down yet  another hallway in this big house. I can navegate my castle blindfolded, yet I get lost so easily in a house maybe a fifth of its size. "Then there is usually a big dinner after meetings because all of the pack is together. Since this is a meeting called out of the blue, I would think we might have lunch together, but I don't know until I'm called to help cook."

"Sounds nice." And it does. Most times, I just ate with Amber and Emma. Sometimes Cameron would bring his friends around, but we ate whenever we were hungry since there were chefs to cook us anything we wanted at any time. If I was hungry at three in the morning for fried chiken, they'd make me some, but I didn't do that to anyone. "If we did need to make lunch, could I help?"

She smiles warmly at me.

"Sure. It's always nice to have help." She stops in front of a big wooden door right next to an even bigger window with a view of the training area out back. "You ready?" I take a deep breath and nod.

"I'm ready." I never new being officially introduced to this pack would be so nerve wrackin, but it is.

"Then lets go... and don't think the mark on your neck will go by unnoticed." She smirks at my surprised expression and opens the door before I can reply. "Aaron is by the stage to the right." She whispers before disappearing. I look around to find Cassy and meet the eyes of everyone else instead. Giving them a timid smile, I walk forward to where Cassy told me and sure enough my mate is leaning against the wall. He smiles lovingly when he sees me.

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