Pancake Face

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Avril Lavigne as Violet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

***Terra's P.O.V***

I sit straight up in bed, clutching the covers to my chest and look around the familiar guest room. I feel my heart beating rapidly, but I can't hear it over the roaring in my ears. It slowly dies down, leaving me in a silence that can only be possible at four in the morning.

Slowly, I lay back down and stare at the bare, white ceiling. I take slow, deliberate breathes to slow my frantic heart.

~It was just a dream.

Was it? My wolf counters and I make a face.

~Of course it was. It couldn't be anything else, right?

She doesn't answer and I roll onto my side, now facing the door. She never answers direct questions. So annoying.

She growls in my head and I smirk.

~There you are, I knew you were still there.

Of course dummy, I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to.

She's such a smart alec, but I wouldn't choose any other wolf even if I could. I guess you could say that we balance each other out.

I close my eyes to go to sleep again, but it doesn't come. Unfortunately, there are too many thoughts swirling around in my head right now to sleep.

It couldn't have been more than a dream, but it felt so real. Like I was actually lost in a dark forest. But things like that don't actually happen, especially that quick change from my t-shirt to a white dress. That obviously means that it was a dream because that doesn't happen in real life.

And then there's that place; the beautiful, rippled water and waterfall with dozens of lilies. It was the prettiest thing I have ever seen. And when I touched the water, I swear I really did touch the cool, texture of the lake. I don't think I can ever forget the way the moonlight shone on the water's surface.

It all had been amazing, truly like a dream, but then other wolves showed up. Never before had I had a dream with other wolves. It had always been just me in my dreams and I'd have to face them alone, but this time was different. The Were's from my dream were... unexpected.

And they also thought they were being clever and hiding behind trees, but I'm not stupid. I could hear them, but for some reason, my vision wasn't as sharp as usual.

Of course, it would be my brain that would conjure up a bunch of stupid werewolves. I'm certain that they knew I was one of them. Every wolf has a distinguishing scent and that should have tipped them off that I could hear, see and smell them even though I couldn't see them. (Honestly, I have no idea what's up with that.)

When one came slowly out of the trees, I was scared. And who wouldn't be scared of the giant wolves "hiding" in the trees when you're just a girl. I didn't know how many of them were there. I didn't stand a chance, but what really confused me was the fact that they didn't capture of kill me right away. I can only presume that I was on their land and being a rogue, that's what happens when you don't have permission to be there. So why didn't they?

I backed up until I was against the edge of the water and he sat down in his spot, just staring at me.

My wolf was whining inside, but I was too focused on why I wasn't dead yet. She only got louder and it was hard to ignore her. She had practically began screaming, MINE! MATE! GO TO HIM! That's when I realized that he couldn’t... no, wouldn't hurt me. I relaxed when I realized I wouldn't die.

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