Chap 2: Waking feelings

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Picture above not mine


Mention of abuse 

Cursing/inappropriate language

So much fluff you well die.

Underfell Sans POV:  

I felt pain sting through my body but I felt warm for the first time in my life the last thing I remember was Underswap Papyrus grabbing me until everything went black... I opened my eye sockets and seen some colors surrounded by black and someone talking which was blurred out by a strange echo.

"You're Awake!" I could finally hear what they said which was almost like shouting and the monster talking was black, blue and white... Why are they so bright? I tried to move but all I felt was the pain, once more and I winced at it and the monster saw this.

"Brother their awake and hurting. . . What do I do?" They said as my vision slowly got better and I saw it was a Sans.

"Don't do anything let me go over and try to heal them." And the other monster said from afar and since they said something about healing I tried to relax and not move, Man how difficult that was.

"Wher- *Cough* where am I?" I asked with a sour throat... Man, why do I feel so shitty right now? Maybe I should not curse as much but who really cares?

"You're in Underswap!" Said the other version of me and he acts like my brother when he was just a baby bones... Why is this Universe so fucked up? I saw Underswap Papyrus walk to me and I flinched which was a bad idea... The pain jolted through me again.

"Woah there bud I'm just trying to help you." He said and then I tried to relax and he grabbed my skull and began to heal me. This was really nice... Someone who really cares or are they just lying to me? Who the void cares there helping me and that is it. I began to drift back to sleep and the last thing I have seen was the Papyrus with the most fear filled look I have seen in a while. 

Underswap Papyrus POV:

I was done healing up... What should I call him when Sans is here... Maybe I should think about that later and think about why his Papyrus well do this to him and why does he have a collar... What is wrong with that universe!? Maybe I should relax and have a cigarette but I'm not allowed to... Ugh...

"Is there anything else you see on him, Sans?" I asked as I went back into the kitchen again and I saw Sans try to move the blanket at least a little bit.

"He... He has a collar on brother. And he has like handcuffs that are broken on him!" Sans said from the living room... Collar!? Handcuffs!!! Why does he have that and why well he need that... I grab my Metal cutter's from one of the cabinets and went back into the living room and tried carefully cut the handcuffs off him... His wrists were so red... How long has he had them on?

"Papyrus why do you have metal cutter's?"  Sans asked and I just shrugged still not looking away from the other Sans and answering with something he always says trying to cover up why he really does have them.

"I always had them, bro." He answered and it was such a blank answer that Sans just left the living room and went to his room.

"... You're really cute when you sleep, Underfell Sans..." I say... Why did I say that? It is true but now it sounds like I... Like him? I well just shrug it off... I saw the other Sans move a little then his eyes opened once more and he looked right at me.

"Hey..." He said then he began to rub his whist's where the handcuffs were. I wanted to ask if he was alright but I already knew that.

"I and my Sans agreed to let you stay here for a little awhile," I said to him and his face lit up like a fire. His face turned red and he might not even know he is blushing... I might have a chance with him.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded with the best grin I can come up with.

(Ye I be updating my grammar mistakes boi'z)

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