Chap 9:Healing

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(you should play this until I add more music.... >:3)


FLUFFY FLUFF FLUFF! (It's so fluffy I'm going to die!)

Underswap Sans POV:

 I was sitting by Red for a few hours and his wounds have gotten better, It seems he sleeps more at peace now I have no clue. I hear footsteps outside and Gaster Sans open the door and sit next to me.

"How is he?" He asks like nothing really happened, Well how do you think that battle was awesome but he looked really bad and when he fell in the snow it looked like he was almost turning to dust.

"He is better," I say trying to brighten up the mood in the little room. I never really talked to Gaster Sans until now and he seems cool except for the smoking like my brother always did... Dear Asgore did I hate it.

"Good, He might have monsters asking him about a lot of things today when he wakes, Gets someone to protect him well you?" He asked and I looked down thinking who was a good person who always protected him... My brother! Wait.... How did he know he was going to wake up today?

As soon as I looked up he was nowhere to be seen which is freaky, But I did like the warning. I heard movement right next to me and I looked over to Red waiting for him to wake.

Underfell Sans POV: 

I woke up not remembering what happened until I saw the bandages wrapped around me and Blue right above me smiling that classic smile of his.

"How long have I been out?" I asked and Blue was counting his fingers... This is great, He can't even remember.

"At least a three hours!" He shouted which shocked me down to the bone, three hours after that battle but I almost forgotten what happened, I HURT PAPYRUS! 

"Is Papyrus alright?" I asked and Blue was shocked now and nodded happily. Good at least something good in my life stayed. I wonder if he will forgive me for what I did...

"I got to go talk to Fresh Sans for something, Papy is in his room see ya!" Blue says and I wanted to ask something else but he was already gone, Who is Fresh Sans? He does not sound to my liking... Fresh... I guess he says stuff like "Heya broski!" Ehh...

"Hey Red, Ya feeling better?" Classic asks me and I just nod and pass me trying to find Papyrus room out of this giant hallway of rooms... It has like each Sans on here, Vampire Sans, Circus Sans whoever that is, Blue, Mine, Ah here his room is...

I knock on the door as Ink and Error Sans walk past me and as soon as the door crack open he swung the door open and hugged me..., It is not I don't mind but uh... He is crushing me, Literally, he is cracking my ribs worse.

"C-cant breath..." I say hoping that he well let go and he does. I took my time trying to catch my breath before speaking.

"D-...Do you forgive me for fighting you?" I asked looking at him and I gives a light smile of an angel... He nods and hugs me again but more lightly.

"Oh, yea... There is a party going on in the waterfall area... Wanna come?" He asks me, I think about the time when I was a singer, And musician when I left...Never mind... I well like to hear what other Sanses come up with.

"Alright," I say and his face brightens up and he looks cuter than he already is... For some reason... I feel happy with this.

"Well come on then, It is about to start!" He says... Wait, what? Already? But I just got up and I have not eaten yet but does he even know this? He picks me up and puts me on his shoulders, Man being so high like a Papyrus is freaky.

"Uhh... No no no! Don't you dare..." I say as I lean over looking at Papyrus right in his eye sockets... He gives an evil smirk... Great...

"Well... you better sit tight then." He says and I lean up grabbing around his skull with my life, I DON'T LIKE THIS!!!

He ran down the hallway turning quickly and saw Nightmare Sans open the door then he rushed by...The look on Nightmares face was priceless, He ran by at least ten other Sans and Papyrus's on the way to waterfall and me, I was feeling sick again... Right, when he got to waterfall I fell off him and onto the ground with a big "Ow...."

"You alright?" Paps asked and I just slowly nodded and once my vision came back a saw someone holding an echo flower in front of me... I thought they were red and always covered in dust... They look pretty blue.

"Your cute~" The echo flower copy echoed in my skull in Papyrus voice... All I could do was blush and squeal into my jacket sleeve.

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