Chap 27: Coughing

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not so sad but maybe sad? not as bad as other times.

Underswap Undyne POV:

When Red finally left I took a few days to bend watch some anime and finish some designs for Napstablook's upgrade, I got a text from that Fell Papyrus dude and it said something like this, "Erm... Ya got any vaccines?" I was shocked at that but I replied.

"Yea why?" I waited until he texted back.

"Because they have a kid and whatever sickness he has which turns to whooping cough..." I heard about whooping cough before and it took a lot of monsters.

"Bring him over so I can check quickly!" I closed the phone and I turned off the tv and got ready for him to come over with the kid... I wonder who's kid it is.

Cassius POV:

The big skeleton with sharp teeth was carrying me somewhere with the other version of him which I can call dad but I have two... He was taking me through a nice place but I began coughing a lot and it burned in my...Ribs.

Everything flashed then there was a big building and it was hot around now.

I stopped coughing then we went inside and there was another person but not a skeleton... Is that a fish?

She came over and she took me out of the Sharp skeleton's arms and put me down on a table... I then sneezed and coughed at the same time and it burned more.

She looked at me and looked at the skeletons worried, She then whipped my arm with something and a needle showed... NEEDLE!

"AHHHH" I tossed my arms in the air and fell backward and I tried to escape but she caught me and held my arm down so I could not move then let go... Was that it?

"Erm... Now well you mind telling me who's kid this is?" She looked at the skeletons and they were silent. 

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