Chap 15:The cunfusing chat

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(This is mostly about whats going on with the other characters. :P)

(Mostly Edgeberry~)



FellAsylum Sans POV:

I was wondering around talking to different me's and bro's and I saw... Blue and Fell talking and I wanted to go meet them until someone started talking to me.

"Heya, Your Asylum?" I turned around and it was Classic, He looks so cool and nice but why is he talking to me?

"Yes~? Why?" I tilt my head so they know I have no clue why they're talking to me.

"I just never knew you existed for a second. How is your AU?" He seemed calm about talking to me... Must he talk to CRAZIER people than me huh?

"It's moving really SLOWLY! I mean... It's fine!" He smiled a little and started leading me somewhere.

"You see that Sans? That is Classic Asylum. You should go talk to him." My eyes lightened up, A CLASSIC ME? I never thought there was another Sans in an asylum!!!

PrisonFell Sans:

I was walking around chatting with a few people until I saw asylum me talking to... Another asylum Sans? Does this mean there might be another prison, Sans? Great... As I turned around I saw a human group... They must be the Frisk and Chara's. One of them noticed I was looking at them and walked over.

"Hello." They used sign language and I was able to hear their voice, Strange.

"Hey. So... What do you humans do in the underground?" I tried to make a simple chat.

"Nothing much, Most of us just fall into the underground to kill, Spare, Or just plan an escape..." I feel bad for future me now... He probably has to live with dying over and over... His bro did use to be abusive.

"Well... Sorry for staring at you... Classic frisk?" They nod and smile. They walk back to the group.

Blues POV:

I was sitting with Fell for a bit, He seems calm here... His timeline is not the best place to be. I was just trying to keep quiet. I saw a Sans... Papyrus? They wore battle armor and a plated smile... A sharp one.

"Fell! Look at them!" I pointed to them and Fell just thought until the person saw this and teleported... Where did they go? 

"Boo." I heard someone say right next to me and I jumped.

"HAHA!" The person was right next to me now just laughing until he just grew silent quickly.

"Sorry... I could not resist. The names Sabastian, Your guy's fusion or... What everyone makes their fusion... Kid. Call me what you want." WAIT, WHAT??

"Hold up... When did this happen!?" Fell looked down to me and I just looked up at him not knowing what to say or do... I slowly felt light headed.

"Uhh- I D-don't know..." I just said.

"Hehe... I love when I mess with people like you." Sabastian said laughing a little but calming down quickly.

"SABASTIAN!? WHERE DID YOU GO!?" I looked over seeing another older looking me... They seemed to be a year older than me.

"Great..." Fell said... I guess he knows whats going in.

"There right over there." Another fell came out and pointed to us. Sabastian waved to them and teleported them over here.

"Meet past you's... Before you dated~" I slowly fainted.

Fells POV:

I held onto blue before he fell down. This dude is a big prankster... I mean... He knocked out my blue just by some words! He knows what he is doing.

"What did I say about this..." I saw other me say to Sabastian who began to look guilty.

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